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TR Register Annual Members' Meeting 2024

The date for the Members' Meeting is Saturday 16th March 2024 at 13:00. 

Venue: Stratford Manor Hotel, Warwick Road, CV37 0PY.

The annual members’ meeting will be held on the 16th of March starting at 1 pm. This will be followed in the evening by an awards ceremony and dinner where we will celebrate the start of a new season of TR fun! The dinner and awards are completely optional, and any member can attend the meeting beforehand for free, but we encourage you to come and enjoy an informal, sociable evening with TR friends from across the UK and beyond.

We have negotiated a special rate of £198 for dinner, bed and breakfast based on two sharing. Single occupancy rooms are £159. You can book directly with the hotel stating that you are booking the ‘TR Register event’ on 0330 1071599.

Please register your attendance here


Nominations for management team received: All volunteer positions on the management team are up for election on 16th March 2024. Job descriptions are available online as are nomination forms - all below. 

Proposals for resolutions via email to (please include proposer and seconder details): 15th February 2024.

Proxy Voting opens: Thursday 29th February 2024 here

Proxy Voting closes at 13:00hrs on 14th March 2024.

Proxy Voting:

You can continue to assign your proxy vote to either the Chairman or an individual and specify which way you wish them to vote, or leave it to their discretion.

You can find a guide to proxy voting here.

To register your proxy and instruct their vote - simply click the button below.

Register your Proxy vote here.


Proxy Voting Guide

Draft minutes of 2023 AGM held 16th April 2023

Accounts for period ending 31 December 2023

Management Team Job Nomination Forms:

Finance - Finance-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

Strategy and Club Development - Strategy-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

Membership - Membership-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

International - International-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

Asset Management - Assets-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

Events - Events-MT-Nomination-Form-2024.docx

Chairman - only those having served on the MT or as a regional coordinator in the preceding year may apply. - Chairman's nomination form. 

Provisional Agenda

Introduction and welcome, including notices for venue health and safety.

Item 1. To receive apologies for absence and introduction.

Item 2. To approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2023

Item 3. To receive and if considered appropriate, adopt the Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2023 as published. 

Item 4. To appoint Wellers Accountants, Oxford as the Independent Reviewer of the Accounts.

Item 5. To receive reports from the Directors of the club.

Item 6. To approve any nominations for Honorary Membership received.

Item 7. To elect the Directors of the TR Register (TR Owners’ Club Limited)

7.1 - Finance

7.2 - Strategy and Club Development

7.3 - Membership

7.4 - International 

7.5 - Asset Management 

7.6 - Events

7.7 - Chairman

Item 8. To adopt the subscription rates and tiers as proposed.

Item 9. Resolutions.

9.1 Resolution: To adopt the TR Register Car Club Administration Policy version 7, replacing version 6 in its entirety. As this resolution revises the TR Register Administration Policy a majority of 75% of the votes cast needs to be in favour for it to be adopted.)

PROPOSED BY: Mick Forey SECONDED BY: Ian Cornish (Hon. Vice-President). 

Directors recommend voting FOR.


The 2023 AGM approved the adoption of the new TR Register Administration Policy version 6 by Special Resolution 9.2. However, it was recognised at the time (reflected in the draft minutes) that as the words and phrases were cut and pasted from the old Articles of Association, they contained drafting errors, inconsistencies and conflicts. It was agreed that we would set up a team to review the Administration Policy to remove those errors etc. and present a revised Policy to the 2024 AMM. A small team consisting of Mick Forey, Ian Cornish and Dave Burgess conducted this review which resulted in version 7, which was posted to the club website in January 2024. This version does not introduce any new concepts or clauses but cleans up the document with a consistent style, language and nomenclature for ease of reading and clarity of purpose.

View the proposed new policy here. 

Item 10 –  Q&A for members to ask questions of the Management Team.