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Kennet Valley Group - How difficult can it be, A TR club and Drive it Day.

Kennet Valley Group - How difficult can it be, A TR club and Drive it Day.

A posse of TR’s traversing the countryside? Well, nearly! 8 TR’s, one Stag, an MX5, a Beemer and Hari Honda. John had compiled a Tulip Run from Tothill Services on the A34 to Bowood House in Calne, Wiltshire with an optional drop off on the return, to the Dundas Arms. A brilliant day and the weather cooperated too.

A chilly start at 09.00 as cars gathered at Tothill services. Mr Costa seemed to be tempting those needing a caffeine boost. The only bonnet to (slightly) pop was Gerry’s. The ritual dissipation of hot air. Engine not chat!

Hari Honda blasted the trail, in part to check all was well with administration at Bowood House. We need not have worried. The route was fantastic. A lovely mix of delightful Oxfordshire and Wiltshire villages and some stunning countryside. Some superb driving roads that tempted the right foot. Naturally all was controlled! After Approximately an hour and a quarter we arrived at Bowood House to find Den and Val already in place and directing parking. The rest of the fleet arrived over the following 30 minutes providing a little side show for the visitors to the house.

The house is the current home of the Marquis of Lansdown and when asked, the volunteer guides had a wealth of information on both the house and the family. The gardens were a wonderful mix of formal and parkland with a superb adventure area for youngsters. Well worth a visit if looking to entertain the grandchildren.

After al fresco lunches appeared from remarkably “tool box” free TR boots and all had done the house and gardens we started the return home. Phil and Julie detoured via a little classic car museum in Calne. I can only applaud Julie’s stamina for all things classic car, a rare talent in long suffering classic car partners!

The Dundas Arms provided a welcome break on the journey home. An excellent pint and a super, informal wind down for the day.

It was lovely to see some new faces. I hope we made you welcome. Please come and join us again. We are a little out of practice after 2 years of Covid disrupted lack of activity. Bear with us.

Thanks are certainly due to John and Jackie for the Tulip Run and for Den in coordinating the event. Others had a hand and thanks to all. Mostly, it is thanks to all you who joined in and hopefully had an enjoyable day in your very special cars.

Watch your emails for upcoming events. We would love to see you.

Many thanks to Mike Thomas for the report and photos.

Kennet Valley Group

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