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Meet the Team

Stewart Highnett - Group Leader/Regalia/Webpages

I started working life as an electrical apprentice, working on everything electrical from heavy industrial equipment to cars. Around 1970 I agonised over a TR6 seized fuel pump, only to discover years later as I partially restored my TR6 that it was a common issue. Now retired and have been happily finding enough time to enjoy being a committee member in the KVG group and now taking on the role as Group Leader at the 2022 Annual Members Meeting, if you've got a TR or other classic and you would like to come along and see what we get up to, do so, we'd be pleased to see you.

Michael Thomas - Committee Member/Raffle

Sally and I are both retired and living in Silchester. My working background is in accountancy in commerce, eventually retiring from Macmillan Publishers in 2012. My interest in cars came from my father who always had something oddball in his garage. My first car was an Austin Nippy from 1933, on which I cut my teeth, becoming very adept at removing the engine on a regular basis. Amongst a series of dodgy second hand sports cars, in my younger days, were an MGA, 3 x MGB's, TR5, and a US imported TR6. Later included TVR, Stag, BMW Z1 and Z3 and an MGC. Currently a Mercedes SL280 and our Red TR6 which we bought in 2009 after discovering the hospitable welcome from the KVG team. A KVG run to Chanteloupe followed by others to France, Switzerland and Spain, cemented our relationship. Sally and I very much enjoy the friendly atmosphere with KVG and the mix of "petrol head" and "social" events. We both see ourselves as "back room" people and would be very pleased to contribute to the future of KVG in some small way.


Denis Carter - Committee

I am a local boy born in Tadley and always had an interest in mechanical items which progressed to motorcycles. This was my mode of transport from the age of 16years and went to many motor sport activities as a spectator. When I was in my 50's I became involved in classic motorcycle racing and built my own racing bike with a 750cc Triumph engine. I raced on most circuits in the UK and Europe. Val and I spent 15 years enjoying the traveling and socialising with the Classic Racing Club. When the time came to give up racing the race bike was sold and it was a joint decision to look for a classic sports car the choice had to be again a Triumph. A TR6 was found and then we were fortunate enough to find the K.V.G who were active in the pursuits we were interested in. We have been members for 10years and have enjoyed every moment of a lively group and made many good friends

Phil Dryden - Committee

I spent my career as a chemical engineer, initially working in the petrochemical industry, before eventually finding my way into the steel industry. Although I enjoyed my working day job, my real passion has always been cars and motorbikes, in fact anything with an engine really. I love fixing things, so as well as the occasional business challenge, that energy has often been directed towards cars and bikes. 

Although never formally trained in the dark art of car mechanics and restoration, many years of keeping old bangers on the road on restricted budgets, sharpened my skills to the point where I can now direct that capability, energy and passion towards my hobby of all things to do with classic cars and bikes. 

Over the years I’ve completed a number of restoration projects and having now retired, as well as tinkering with my toys, I try to find time to enjoy more aspects of what the classic car movement offers, as well as trying to find ways of giving something back. I joined the Register in 2012 when I bought my TR5 and although initially a passive member, I’ve got more involved in recent years, resulting in me joining the KVG committee in 2021.

Phil Horsley - Committee 

Starting my career as an electrical apprentice, I always wanted a TR after working for the bosses son who was bought a brand new red TR6 which he gave me a lift to work in, and being the first experience of having a 'crick neck' from acceleration I was smitten. In 2000, I attended the TR International and ended up buying a 1967 TR250 (so I got that 6 cylinder power) and she is still my favourite and now fully restored a car I am really proud of, I joined the Register just after purchasing and then the committee in 2004 organising the Regalia. Since then I have acquired three Grinnall's, a TR7 V8 and a couple of TR7 restoration jobs which means I have had to rent lots of lock ups. I am very passionate about TR's and in my role want to continue the development of the KVG to give members a range of events, opportunities and social to enjoy their TR's.

Kennet Valley Group

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