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TR Register enjoy a super day at Basingstoke Festival of Transport

TR Register enjoy a super day at Basingstoke Festival of Transport

Kennet Valley, Windsor Forest & Ridgeway Groups enjoyed an Inter-Group event at the Basingstoke Festival of Transport, The TR Register stand saw 10 cars , 5 TR^ representing the five decade anniversary of the marque, two TR5, a TR250 and TR3 gave a great display of the marque.

Basingstoke has always been organised by the Thorneycroft Society, but this year it was ably shared by the Round Table and sponsored by Basingstoke Council. As usual, the sun always brings out the crowd and to say it was heaving, is an under-statement.

As well as classic vehicles, there were many stalls from auto-jumble through to kiddies toys, and brisk business was being done. This is always a well attended show with queue of classics sometimes taking up to an hour to get in, so if you haven't been, watch out for it in the calendar next year and get your TR along to this super event.

Kennet Valley Group

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