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Kennet Valley TR Group - March Club Night & AGM

Kennet Valley TR Group - March Club Night & AGM

Kennet Valley TR Group held their March club night at the Angel, Woolhampton. March is traditionally the KVG AGM which was chaired by Phil Horsley - Group Leader.

Phil presented a Group Leader report which again showed a very active and busy year for KVG members, Supported the traditional events New events, Mid Monthly's, Club night events, TR Action, all Social Scene issues with article KVG reports.TR Register Website KVG's own pages regularly updated.Introduction of MailChimp contact system to meet GDPR

Download here: AGM-KVG-2018-2019-presentation-public_1.pdf

The David Westwood, Treasurer presented an entertaining presentation on club finances, this shows that KVG is in a very healthy position and well on track with its fund to help finance it's BIG anniversary next year when the club is 50 years old.

A VERY BIG thanks to Dave as he had decided to step down after 15 years as KVG Treasurer and has always been a steady hand and mindful Treasurer, for his services, he was award the coveted KVG Bright Spark award for keeping the wheels turning and a trophy to keep for helping to steer the KVG financially over the years and his support in general, he will be missed and a had at to follow, the position is now vacant, any KVG volunteers?

It was then on to the important award of the event, the infamous KVG NUT of the YEAR award, this award is given for a KVG member who had done something silly or had something funny happening to them. this year there was two nominees, Toney Dines for buying a Stag that Paul Hickmott rejected and the winner, with another Stag related event, Gerry Thorne.

Gerry attended last years IWE in Lincoln, on the way there, he decide to call of at a supplier on route to purchase some carburettor linkage rods as the ones fitted to the Stag are notorious for breaking the plastic clip ends, he and his wife Moreen had jointly rented a cottage for the week and checked in. The next day when leaving Lincoln, his Stag lost power and coincidentally one of the linkage rod ends had broken, no problem he thought I've got those spares in the boot, after much searching, on no they are not, he had left them at the cottage - dooh!!!! So Gerry is a very worthy winner of the KVG Nut of the Year!

KVG had a change of committee members with Karen & Peter Woolnough and Eddie Mace standing down after circa 10 years, everyone gave them a BIG thanks and some good beer and chocolates. (Eddies will be sent to him).

The new committee was elected and a good welcome on to it for Denis Carter & Mike Thomas, we look forward to your support and contributions going forward. The AGM was closed until the next one on 5th March 2020.

The evening waas closed by Phil Horsley with the Club News & Event presentation, our next event is the crazy Golf Challenge with Glavon TRs.

Download: 03.-Club-night-News-Events-06-03-19.pdf

Kennet Valley Group

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