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Kennet Valley TR Group WIN A DOUBLE AWARD at the TR Register AGM

Kennet Valley TR Group WIN A DOUBLE AWARD at the TR Register AGM

Kennet Valley TR Group were double winners at the TR Register AGM held at the Aviator Hotel on Sunday 25th November 2018, firstly they were awarded the coveted Wheelspinner Award by Graham Robson - Honorary President of the TR Register.

This superb Trophy is presented to the local area group who has been most active in their area. Local Groups should demonstrate a dedication to a particular project, improvements made to club activities in their area, benefitting the local community or special initiatives to encourage new members.

Phil Horsley - Group Leader who accepted the award said, "I am really proud to accept this award on behalf of KVG members, we are an active Group who love nothing better than a good day out in our TR's, promoting the TR Register and marque and raising funds for our club charities, MacMillan, Thames Valley Air Ambulance and the Henry Surtees Foundation, above all we are a happy bunch and enjoy ourselves with our TR friends."

In addition, Phil then received an award for KVG member Bill Bourne who won the Website award for his 21 chapter Blog 'TR5 "Patience" Re-build'. The TR Register web awards go to recognise the tremendous effort our members go to in order to populate the TR Register with interesting content. Whether it be a local group who have been dedicated to the sharing of news, reports and information from their area or an individual contributor – this award recognizes that contribution.

In this Blog, Bill detailed the careful and sometimes painstaking restoration process of the TR5 of his partner Fiona Farrell with great technical and knowledgeable assistance of Paul Woodham. This Blog covered all aspects of a rebuild from good to bad, joy to curses and is a must read for any would be restorer.

The restoration culminated in Patience being entered into concours by Fiona ay the 2018 International Weekend in Lincoln and winning runner up, an excellent result for a restoration and a great accolade to Bill and Paul's hard work and dedication!

So a BIG WELL DONE to all KVG members on the Wheelspinners Award and of course to Bill for his Blog.

Bill will receive a £50 Rimmer voucher from the TR Register.

Kennet Valley Group

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