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Kennet Valley TR Group Learn about Amy Johnson's intrepid flight at their February Club Night.

Kennet Valley TR Group Learn about Amy Johnson's intrepid flight at their February Club Night.

Kennet Valley TR Group welcomed David Harris to their club night to give his presentation 'Amy Wonderful Amy' about the life and intrepid flight to Australia in the 1930's.

Amy Johnson CBE was a pioneering British aviator who was the first female pilot to fly alone from Britain to Australia. Flying solo or with her husband, Jim Mollison, she set numerous long-distance records during the 1930's.David Keen has recently retired from the Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon, North London. For most of the last twenty years he led the Access and Learning Team, being responsible for educational programmes for visitors ranging from pre-school children to senior citizens and including members of the RAF.

He interpreted his role widely, so it included media interviews and escorting VIPs round the Museum. David regarded this as a dream job as he never expected that anyone would pay him to talk about Spitfires, but they did!

KVG members were intrigued to learn that Amy was a qualified engineer and pilot and went on the trip after a 'flippant' comment to reporters that she was going to fly to Australia which became reality when it went to press and forced the issue, so she went fund raising and for £1,000 and bought a second hand De Havilland Gypsy Moth for £600 called Jason. A BIG thanks to David who travelled all the way from Harpenden to give this talk.

KVG also welcomed new member David Jones who has a TR5, TR6 and Stag, also attending was guest John Lees.

Phil Horsley - GL then presented KVG news and event, download your copy here: 2.-Club-night-07-02-18.pdf

Kennet Valley Group

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