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Kennet Valley TR Group October Club night goes back to the 60's!

Kennet Valley TR Group October Club night goes back to the 60's!

At Kennet Valley TR Group October Club night, guest speaker Mike Hurst came along and gave a talk on Getting Around in the 1960's An entertaining illustrated talk about how we were on the move in the 'Swinging' Sixties. Covering cars (often second hand), motorbikes, scooters, buses, air travel, a railway system in apparently terminal decline, the first motorways, the rise of lorries and car ownership, inclusive tours abroad and the switch of ocean liners to cruising. A decade of amazing change and already history! Mike and his wife Janet, trained as microbiologists, but they both love history. Mike is particularly keen on transport and industrial history, whereas Janet enjoys social history and researching people. They help to run Goring Gap Local History Society and since moving to Goring in 2004 have carried out original research on various aspects of the local area and its past inhabitants. Their talks were first put together for delivery to Society members, but are not parochial and place local events in a broader context.

Phil Horsley - GL presented the KVG future events and news, download a copy here for your records. 10.-Club-night-04-10-17.pdf

Next month we learn how to use defibrillators.

Kennet Valley Group

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