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Wharfedale Post Christmas Christmas Lunch 12th January 2020

Wharfedale Post Christmas Christmas Lunch 12th January 2020

Sunday 12th January 2020 saw the Wharfedalers, 27 of us, gathering at the Moorlands Inn near Ogden for the annual post Christmas walk and lunch. 10.30 was the meeting time for those walking, the weather was very inclement but as the pictures show it did brighten up considerably.

The walk was around Ogden Water, arriving back at the Pub in time for the 1pm lunch.

As usual Ken Bailey provided a quiz for us to mull over during the lunch period, it was up to his usual fiendish standard, this time called Creative Thinking, example 6 = B in a O (Bowls in an over) so what is 7 = W of the W, or 1492 = CD the NW. Answer on a postcard please. Overall a most enjoyable day.

Wharfedale Group

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