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Wharfedale Autumn Leaves Run 13th October 2019

Wharfedale Autumn Leaves Run 13th October 2019

Sunday the 13th October was planned as our Autumn Leaves run, it wasn't a great forecast for the weekend, and sure enough Sunday was true to the forecast.

Only four cars turned out for the run, partly due to the weather and the destination short notice. John Hussey, Jeff Kenchington and Mike Sloan were in TRs and Stan brought up the rear in his modern car. We met at Stephen Smith's for the usual coffee and bacon buttie and had a very wet run up to Pannal and Knaresborough where we took the old A1 route, now a delightful quiet road. After Thirsk we tackled Sutton Bank where we made a brief comfort stop.

Arriving at Nunnington Hall those in TRs were redirected to the main entrance and parked in front of the house. As we were displaying our cars, everyone, NT member or not, had free entry to the house. However lunch was more important and we saved the tour until later.

John and Mike had an interesting conversation with Kevin and Janet McCarron who were also on a visit. Kevin has a 3A in need of restoration, a long term project, and has promised to attend a meeting to pick our brains.

The staff were very welcoming and appreciative of the cars so this could be a destination for a run on another occasion. There is plenty of interest in the house and in the summer the gardens are very attractive."

Wharfedale Group

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