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Wensum TR Register AGM Minutes

Wensum TR Register AGM Minutes

Wensum TR register AGM Minutes

8th January 7:00

The meeting was opened by Graham Andrews


Ann Hill

Rick Hill

John Elliot

  1. Finance report was read out by Iain Fisher on the 31/01/24 the balance was £118.44

See Attached financial report.

See Attached for inventory details

  1. Tony discussed the members demographics in the group and explained the Committees progression on this issue. This is to ensure that club information gets to all members. Mail chimp is an option to help this but the club would benefit from creating an email through the TRRegister Wensum group (which Graham will organise)
  1. Positions on the Committee: The following 6 positions had been un-apposed The positions are as follows.

Group Leader; Graham Andrews

Treasurer; John Elliot

Secretary; Mark Winter

Events coordinator; Anne Hill

Webmaster; Mike Salmon

Members secretary; Tony Giles

New members for the committee were required due to the resignation of Ann Norman and Gerald Foulger.

Thanks went out to Richard for his efforts organising things with the Bird in Hand.

Adrian Richmond seconded by Paul Wells, and Phil Ginn seconded by Richard Ireson were suggested to the group and elected un-opposed.

A Questionnaire had been drafted by Tony to send out to all members, Iain said that we have previously done this with little response, but we could use this information. The Committee will look at the options and the final draft will be sent out to members for their feedback.

Please try and respond to the survey, so as a committee, we can provide what you need.

The issue of looking at the amount of irrelevant communication on WhatsApp was raised and Graham felt there had been some progress.

Progress has been made in relation to data protection.Graham and Tony have signed the data protection form and are the only committee members who hold members details.

David mentioned his disappointment of the lack of support for the recent TSSC group run. Members were encouraged by Iain to support these well organised events. We will continue to put these on the WhatsApp page in the future so all members have the option to attend.

Meetings at Whitwell station and The Bird in Hand will continue until the Committee meeting; Next Committee meeting to be held at Grahams work boardroom 17:30 on 23:02:24

Multiple clubs will join the TR Register for a busy TR International held at the Three Counties Show-ground, Malvern, Worcestershire on the 28th to 30th June, 2024.

Phil said he experienced a friendly and inclusive approach to all when he joined the club. He said it will be good if we could identify all types of activities for the group, even “out of the box” and this would give members a greater experience, and we look forward to Phil’s input on the Committee.

Andy Holyoaks has taken over as area leader and his priorities may be different in terms of the area’s activities. More information will be coming from him in the future.

Meeting was closed at 19:47pm

Wensum Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times