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Social Scene 325

Social Scene 325

David Goswell writes:

Things can only get better, he says, as the light at the end of the tunnel has changed to a flicker of hope.

Neil Pinto, and I, are having a tough time writing these reports as we do not have many anecdotes coming from club meetings and trips, as social distancing is reducing such activities to a trickle. One event did happen, luckily, which brought back the comradeship which has been missing. Up to 12 cars, plus a couple of Euro boxes, turned up at our regular pub for a Classic Car lunch. People were spread out, to be safe, but we were able to have a chat which is what a gathering is all about. It was also good to see Chris Finch, in his smart White TR6, as Chris has not been able to meet up with other members.

Over the summer a few members have ventured to the pub and it was good to see Jeff Dowrick in his fabulous looking Red TR4. Also met up with Dave Rigg, who sneaked into the car park in his Mazda MX5. Belinda & Dave are still members though no TR, but we still talk to them.

Steve Martin has finished the rear end smarten up and re paint or Terence. Yes, that is the name of his very smart Red TR6 which now has a matt finish rear valance. With a Reg starting TTT, I think you would need to give the car a name. His brother has helped in producing a video of Terence, which is doing the rounds on social media. Shame it cannot go into the magazine.

It was good to receive a report from Richard Wheatland (see picture) who managed to get in a trip to Llandovery, Wales in his TR4. The most he has ever driven in the car, he managed 33mpg and used no water or oil. Some people have all the luck.

Talking of luck, for those who have been following the sorry tale of my gearbox, or should I say gearboxes, here is an update. The current box runs very well, gear change smooth and overdrive goes in and out very well. Alas this is at the expense of an oil leak, which due to its position means that I cannot fix it and the whole box will have to go back for a strip down. Up to now I have relied on Mervyn, who has a been lending me his Draper floor transmission jack, excellent tool. But as I clearly will be doing more of these jobs, I have invested in one. I also have an ongoing vibration issue so the jack will also help in the removal of the differential, and why not, it has not been removed this year!

One day I will get out with everyone else and go for a long run…. End of moan

Keep safe everyone.

Our evening meetings at the Stepping Stones pub in Westhumble, Dorking (RH5 6BS) on the third Wednesday of each month from 20:00 continue to be cancelled, as do our Sunday lunchtime meetings on the last Sunday of the month at the Surrey Oaks (RH5 5DZ), starting at 12:00.

Thames Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times