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Red Rose Bulletin - November 2021

Red Rose Bulletin - November 2021

Hello everyone,

I can’t believe another year is nearly over! The nights are drawing in and there is a definite chill of Autumn in the air. It will soon be time to put the cars away for the winter and maybe do some of those long overdue jobs as no one wants to be the winner of The Broken Spanner next year!

We still have a few things on the calendar to look forward to though and it’s never too early to start looking ahead to next year.

October Round Up

A few Red Rose cars ventured out on a rather soggy morning to the Middlewich Car and Bike Show. Not one we have heard of before but definitely on the list for 2022.

Thanks Mike Biddulph for the info and photos.

Another one for your diary’s is the local car show in the grounds of Ellen Road Engine House visited by Dave and Tracie Bailey and Martin and Lynne Hill. It looks well worth a visit.

The next event on the calendar for October was our monthly meeting and AGM. We normally hold our AGM in January but as we hadn’t had one since 2020 we decided to break with tradition and hold it in October. The next one will take place in January 2023.

The meeting was very well attended and it was lovely to catch up with members that we haven’t seen for well over a year.

One of our new members left his TR in the garage for the day and arrived in this very nice Pontiac Catalina.

Jonathan did a summary of what everyone got up to during all the Covid lockdowns and beyond and we were all quite surprised to hear how much we had actually done as a club and as individuals over the last 12 months.

We then did the elections and fortunately everyone agreed to carry on in their existing roles so thank you to everyone who did this as Jonathan and I really do need your help and support.

We looked ahead to next year and we have quite a few suggestions for runs and willing volunteers to do them. A big thankyou to Martin and Lynne Hill, John and Jane Leleu and Richard and Sian Chandler.

Thank you also to Dave and Tracie Bailey who have offered to do a few runs and to help out with events when they can.

Bob will be taking names for the Coast to Coast Run he is planning for next October at the November meeting and will have more details to announce.

John Leleu gave us his financial report and unsurprisingly we didn’t spend any money last year so there wasn’t much to report on.

Thoughts then turned to Christmas and we are planning to have our usual meeting and a Christmas lunch in December. Space in the pub is limited so it’s so its first come first served and we already have quite a few on the list.

We will be bringing the list to the next meeting or you can email us if you would like to come and I will send you a menu if there are still places available but don’t delay!

We then gave out our awards.

The Red Rose Cup went to Richard Chandler for stepping up to the role of Deputy Group Leader and for doing the Social Scene and TR Action reports.

The New Contributors Award went to Bernard Hayward for organising the tickets for Tatton Park and along with Phil Bateman for always making sure the grass is cut and the gazebo erected at all the events we attend as a club.

Tracie Bailey was awarded the clubs Special Award for supporting the NHS throughout the pandemic with her sewing of countless sets of scrubs.

Not to mention the beautiful tree she decorated in her garden that made it into the local paper.

The Club/Marque Promotion Award once again went to Mike Biddulph for his many wonderful photos on the groups Facebook page and for promoting the club on other groups and sites and for attending more shows and events than any other member!

The Mike Connery Plate, very deservedly was given to John & Jane Leleu for the excellent trip they organised to Scotland.

Finally The Broken Spanner Award for failure to proceed went to John & Ann Thorp. They weren’t there to collect their award but they needn’t worry as we have it safe ready for the next meeting! We rounded things off with the usual raffle, thanks to Pauline and Mike Grimes for all their hard work doing this every month.

David Rhodes has once again kindly offered to do the quiz at the November meeting so start brushing up if you want to get your hands on the Bright Sparks trophy.

Autumn Leaves Run

The following Sunday the 17th was The Autumn Leaves Run and 16 Tr’s plus 2 imposters set off from Macclesfield on some excellent roads taking in some wonderful views that would have been all the better without the mist and rain. Our first stop was Caudwell’s Mill in Rowsley where there was just time for a comfort break and a look round the mill and the shops.

Some of the group stocked up on the flour and oats and I am reliably informed it made delicious bread and porridge!

We then headed off to the Great British Car Journey which is well worth a visit. A real step back in time and lots of memories of childhood family cars. We were also joined by Maggie and Peter Sloss from Trent group.

We spent a very enjoyable few hours looking at all the cars and most of us made full use of the excellent café. I can highly recommend the sausage rolls and the scones!

The museum is very well thought out with each person being given a tablet and headphones. There was lots of information on each car once the technophobes amongst us has worked out how to scan the QR codes!

The return journey was rather tricky with quite a few fords, but who doesn’t love a ford! Jonathan certainly does!

We ended the day with 22 of us enjoying a delicious meal at the Bulls Head in Macclesfield. Not all on the picture here though some of us are a bit camera shy!

It’s always good to see new faces on our runs and this time we were joined by James who came to the museum with us and also by Trevor and his lovely wife who joined us for the run and the meal.

Red Rose events are always great fun and if you have any ideas for an event or a place you think the group would like to visit drop us an email.

Hope to see some of you at the quiz but in the meantime stay safe everyone!

Dates for your diary

November 7th Classic Restoration and Spares Market Stoneleigh, Warwickshire

November 12th – 14th Classic Motor Show NEC Birmingham

November 14th - Meeting and Quiz Cock @ Budworth

December 12th - Meeting and Christmas Lunch Cock @ Budworth

Please click here for pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-November-2021.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times