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Red Rose Bulletin - August 2021

Red Rose Bulletin - August 2021


Hello again everyone!

Well we have certainly had plenty of opportunities to take our tops off since the last bulletin, the weather has been glorious but dare I say it at times it was too hot!

It was actually thundering as I started to write this but that did mean there was some much needed rain for the garden.


We began the month with the much anticipated inter group run to Caernarfon Castle in order to celebrate the lifting of some of the restrictions. Five Red Rose cars met up at Blakemere Craft Centre for a run to The Rhug Estate and food centre where it was lovely to have a chat over a cuppa. Then it was onto the castle via Snowdonia National Park and the stunning Llanberis Pass.

We met up with groups from Stoke, Shropshire, North Wales and a visiting group from North Devon. The weather was a bit hit and miss and some of us got more than a bit wet but it was great to be out in the cars whatever the weather and big thanks to Chris Mountford for not only having the idea in the first place but for making sure it went ahead!

Next on the calendar was the Dales Weekend In Aysgarth. This is always a popular event and this year 8 Red Rose cars had a weekend away like no other we have done before! Covid rules were strictly followed and thanks to the tireless efforts of Ian Landen, his lovely wife Mary and the rest of his team things went very smoothly and everyone had a great time. It was wonderful to feel almost normal again and to see old friends and make some new ones.

Its obvious by their smiles how Happy Dave and Tracie were to be driving in the Dales!

The scenery and roads are stunning and we are already looking forward to next year Some of us have booked in the hotel already!

The busy month continued with a visit to Capesthorn Hall for a car show and another chance for some socially distanced chatting .Well we do have a lot to catch up on!

Bodrhyddan hall also proved a popular day out with Red Rose members this year. Anyone would think we hadn’t been out much lately!

Upcoming Events

TR International Weekend 13th-15th August

Tickets for the International were limited for this year and booking has now closed. All the information for the weekend can be found on the TR Register website. We are looking forward to seeing you there and lets hope the sun shines on us.

Tatton Park Classic Car Show Saturday and Sunday 21st and 22nd August

Booking is now closed for this event . As long as you have booked in and provided all the relevant details your ticket will arrive in the post.

Postage costs for your ticket of £1 can be paid on the day. On behalf of everyone we would like to say a big thank you to Barnard Hayward for once again organising the tickets for this event.

NW Region 50th anniversary event and Oulton Park Gold Cup 28th- 30th August

Booking for rooms has now officially closed but sadly quite a few people have had to drop out for various reasons so it might be worth giving the hotel a ring if you would like to stay and they might be able to accommodate you (all details are on the flyer we sent out last month and on the TR Register website) although I can’t guarantee the same price.

If do you find you are unable to attend for any reason can you let us and the hotel know as soon as possible please. Unfortunately it will not be possible to get your deposit back.

Everyone who is coming should now have had a copy of the menu. Thanks to everyone who has sent their choices back to me so far.

It's still not too late if you would like to join us just for the meal on the Sunday evening just send us an email and we will send you a menu.

I do need all menu choices in by Friday 6th August at the very latest as that is when I have to send final numbers and food choices to the hotel (please make a note of what you have individually ordered please as some people have given their order as a couple so I don’t know who is having what). We don’t want any couples fighting on the night over a curry or a brownie!

Anyone wanting to book for the meal after this date will have to contact the hotel directly.

We are having a zoom meeting with the other group leaders for our region and will send out an updated flyer with a more details very soon.

In the meantime if anyone has any items they can donate to the raffle that would be much appreciated (unopened and new please).

They can be brought on the day or alternatively if you are coming to Tatton then you can hand them over then.


The following are the charges presently showing on the Gold Cup website.

Weekend Tickets Sat to Mon inclusive £35

Sat- practice only £10

Sun- driver £22 / passenger £22

Mon- driver £22 /passenger £22

However the good news is that for both the driver and passenger in a classic car the above prices will be reduced by 50% if pre booked.

Bob has a list of everyone who has requested tickets for the Gold Cup and you will receive an email with details of how to pay for them

If you don’t receive an email but think you have requested tickets then please double check with Bob at

All tickets must be booked and paid for in advance whether you are staying at the hotel or not (a room booking will not automatically guarantee you a ticket).

If you would like a ticket for any of the days you need to contact Bob ASAP to avoid disappointment.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Bob for sorting out the tickets once again, the booking process has been rather complicated this year due to covid so it has not been an easy task.

Run From Antrobus Village Hall Sunday September 5th

We received the following email from the organisers of this run.

They have asked us to provide an approximate number of cars that might be attending so they can advise the pub on how many to expect in the car park so if you are interested can you let us know ASAP please – Copy of email from organises of the run is below.

We are very pleased to say that we will be able to do a run this year, though it will be a bit different from usual, as volunteer run Antrobus Village Hall is not fully open yet. Hopefully next year we will be able to go back to our lovely breakfasts and concours there.

The 2021 run will be on SUNDAY 5 SEPTEMBER starting at 11.30am from ANTROBUS VILLAGE HALL CAR PARK ON KNUTSFORD ROAD.

The timing is to avoid clashing with the opening of the Village Shop, so please do not arrive before 11am. Toilets will be open in the Village Hall for us to use before we set off. There will be no formal concours.

We will be doing the same run as in 2019, which everyone seemed to enjoy. There will be NO CHARGE for the run as it is a repeat.

You may recall that Sutton Hall were very accommodating in 2019 and they have kindly agreed to make their car park available to us - we will arrive there at lunchtime. They have had as hard a time as everywhere else in hospitality, so we would ask you to PLEASE support them by booking lunch there. We have been twice since the 2019 run for good meals and have booked a table for 5 September already. We imagine we will be there around 1pm but please make your own judgement based on your car!

You should book your own lunch, we will not be arranging the lunch bookings. The website is and it is much easier to book via the website rather than by phone.

After lunch we can return to Antrobus using the second half of the run.

We do hope that you and your wonderful cars will be able to join us - it was very disappointing not to be able to do a run in June but it will be great to get one in before winter is upon us!!

September meeting and a short run to the ice cream farm (weather permitting)

If all goes according to plan and now the we have the official go-ahead from the TR Register we will be returning to The Cock at Budworth in September for our first monthly meeting since March 2020!

A post will go out on Facebook nearer the time and there will be a reminder in next months bulletin.

Proposed Autumn Leaves Run

We were hoping to have an Autumn Leaves this year and a suggestion had been put forward that we visit the recently opened Great British Car Journey in Derbyshire.

We asked for feedback in last months bulletin so we could get an idea of numbers so we could ring up and arrange a group visit. So far no one has got back to us.

If you are interested in this or have an idea of somewhere else we could go then please email us.

Until we all meet again stay safe, enjoy the sunshine when it comes and most of all enjoy getting out in your TR.

Please click here for pdf version: Red Rose Bulletin - August 2021

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times