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Red Rose Bulletin - April 2021

Red Rose Bulletin - April 2021


Hello everyone,

I think I need to start this bulletin with an apology and an explanation!

You would be forgiven for thinking that Jonathan and I had left the country due to the fact that we have been suspicious by our absence.

Nothing quite as dramatic as that but we have now joined the Cheshire set and are living our best life ever in Frodsham!

It’s quite a change in lifestyle for us both, I am currently a lady of leisure but Jonathan is busier than ever running his business however we have finally unpacked the Red Rose laptop and normal service has resumed! Whatever the current normal is at the time of posting!

We hope you are all safe and well and have coped with what we all are hoping was the final lockdown and as Boris would say there is light at the end of the tunnel although we are not entirely sure how long that tunnel is!

For now though we can shop, get a much needed haircut and eat a meal outside that we haven’t had to cook ourselves all be it whilst wearing our thermals!

I see from the Facebook page that lots of you have had one if not two jabs and fingers crossed that will mean we can all meet up very soon for a run out and a picnic as the next lot of restrictions are lifted to allow this `

In the meantime you have all been keeping busy with some very impressive non TR related renovations and building projects

David and Tracie have finished their workshop; Carole and Mike have a bath made for two! Sue and Ian have a new boudoir and Gordon and Hazel have embarked on a major remodel of their new house.

Not many photos of your TR‘s but Mike has been out in Brenda and I am sure the rest of you will be blowing off the cobwebs and getting out now that we are allowed. Please post your photos on Facebook and you might and up in the bulletin or The TR Action!

Talking of which we have dared to pencil in a few events on the calendar that you might be interested in.

If we have missed anything or you know of an event, car show or run that is taking place please let us know and we will put it on the Facebook page and website.

Obviously all the events listed below can only take place if government guidelines allow but we are all hoping that with the roll out of the vaccine that they will be possible, let’s keep everything crossed!


Breaking News!!!!


Chris Mountford the group leader for Stoke group has been planning a post lockdown run and after many consultations he has formulated a provisional plan.

The date chosen is: 4th July 2021

The venue (Provisional) is Caernarvon castle car park which should have enough space even on a Sunday afternoon.

This venue is used for the Walled Towns Run and we can vouch there is plenty of room.

At this stage the plan is that each group make their own plans for the run to and from the venue, but all have the same venue for a break / food / drink / chat. This could be a bring your own picnic lunch or there are lots of alternatives in Caernarvon to get refreshments if you so wish.

The group leaders of those clubs wishing to take part are going to have a meeting via Zoom and we will then update you with a final plan for the day.

After a year of Lockdown this would be another event to put on our calendar to look forward to.

Bear Town Road Cruise – 19th April

Pre booking was required for this event and is now closed.

Aysgarth Weekend – 9th-11th July

As far as we know this event is still going ahead and you should have had an email from Ian and Mary asking you to confirm your attendance if you booked on last year.

TR International Weekend 13th-15th August

As far as we know this event is going ahead and all details can be found on the TR Register website (accommodation is going fast so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment).

Tatton Passion For Power Car Show- 21st-22nd August

According to Tatton’s website this event is currently going ahead so please email Bernard Hayward at if you would like tickets.

Red Rose Oulton Park Gold Cup and postponed 50th Celebrations – 28th-30th August

We are waiting confirmation from the hotel and will update you all as soon as we have any news. All deposits were carried over from last year for those who are booked on or wished to attend we are still hoping to combine this with an open afternoon at TR Bitz.

Group Leaders Meeting

Sunday 28th March was the first ever Group Leaders Meeting to be held virtually on Teams!

There were the usual introductions followed by the financial report.

Once again one of the topics for discussion was how can we attract and keep our members! Nothing new was really brought to the table on this but the ever enthusiastic Youth Director Charlie is doing his best.

Wayne had a slot to talk about the new look TR Action and made a point of thanking everyone for continuing to send in Social Scene reports despite the fact our social lives have been non-existent lately.

On behalf of everyone at Red Rose I would like to thank Richard Chandler for continuing to send in our report each month. It’s no easy task to look at a blank screen and come up with something interesting, informative and witty but Richard has done this and more.

There was an update on the International Weekend and tickets sales are expected to exceed 2019 (the TR to MG split is roughly 50/50) and there are also going to be more non car related stands this year which is something I am personally pleased about!

Hopefully this will give us all a chance to have a long overdue catch up!




Please click here for pdf version: Red-Rose-Bulletin-April-2021-v2.pdf

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times