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TR Action North London Group Report 309

Leading straight on from last week, see TRA 308, the NLG never sleeps. Howard and Lee, Franco, Andy & Sean (in a camper van, don't ask) were flying the flag at Classic LeMans. Hot, sunny and good racing by all accounts, tales of Vmax in the camper van and Howard showing a clean pair of heals to a Mustang, heady stuff indeed

Fast forward to the following weekend and we're at Uxbridge, maybe for the last time so we put on a good show, after breakfast at Betty's of course. A week later, SILVERSTONE, bit of a signature event now, again presented with skill and professionalism by Andy & Amanda Sargent, we're lucky to have them. A good roll call at the Super Sausage, half a dozen TR's and a Honda NSX, more joined us over the weekend and we had full sittings for both breakfast and dinner. A Great weekend of racing, eating, music and drinking, only one single afternoon/ early evening of rain, an improvement on last year! Another great weekend.

Next up, Amberly, although well intentioned, in truth, a bit of a disaster. We were there to support Carol as she received recognition for a donation to the museum and a grand day out was planned. However, with a tropical storm forecast, the previously agreed numbers fell away on the days leading up to the event. A very wet convoy left the A3 services on route, only to meet yet more heavy rain, which persisted the whole day. We left early only for our guest of honour, Carol (& Bob), in convoy with Lee and Sue to get trapped in the road closures...some days you can't just win. I'm not sure I can take much more…..

Another week, another venue, well in truth only a few days, we're at Croxley Green, mid week. This modest event never fails to impress with its wide spread of machinery, age and conditions. The NLG were there for Lunch at 12 noon, the rest of us turned up over the next few hours only to melt away as easily some hours later, refreshed and inspired. A few days to clean & pack the cars and we're off on our next adventure

Next, our grand tour, The Ballon DÁlsace . Six cars met at the tunnel on the morning of the 7th August: Griff in the Morgan, John & Pete in the TR5, Harry & Dan in Harry's 5, Mark V in his 6, Howard & Bob in Howards 4 and team Mike in LNK.Our target, Europe's oldest hill climb, The Ballon DÁlsace. Our merry band travelled via the circuit at Reims, and the now obligatory photo shoot at the restored Grand Prix pits. Then onto Dijon and along the way a visit to a local museum, full of planes and bikes, excellent.

Soon our reason, our tour purpose is upon us. Friday see's us driving into the village of Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle from the West and looking for sign posts on the right for the Ballon DÁlsace and the gateway to the hill climb of the same name. With the roads due to be closed tomorrow and restricted today as the locals begin making the course safe and MSA (French version) legal, this was our chance to run the hill, which we did in no short order, all restrictions put a side the NLG did ourselves proud with barely a car's length separating the convoy as we crested the hill, an early call the following day (Saturday) allowed us to repeat the climb on the Saturday, even quicker, job done, smiles all round.

Sunday: Race day, sees a split camp, Howard, Bob, Harry, Dan & Mark run for their pre booked tour of the Maginot line while those of us leaving the tour today due to work and other commitments take the opportunity to see the racing and climb the hill, we happen across a bar, order some beer and sandwich Jambon and settle down to watch the racing in the shade, a perfect day, a perfect end to 1300 miles of pretty much perfect NLG touring, nice !

After all that, we still have lots to do, as I write this but before you read this, Sheer Hill, Kop Hill, A new pub venue, the NEC, the Film night, the world famous NLG calendar, the NLG gala Christmas dinner, phew, the list seems endless.

You have friends with TR's, what more could a man ask for.

TR for now

Mike North NLG

North London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times