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TR Action London Group report for issue 341

TR Action London Group report for issue 341

Group name TR London Group

Magazine issue 341

Author of report name Mark Bulford

Report content

Well, what a great weekend and drive up and down we had from London up to the “Great British Car Journey” museum, well done to Steve Bamforth who found us a brilliant Campsite “up North” which as the weekend went on got better and better. Also of course seriously well done to Wayne and all at the TR register for arranging such a well organised event in such a short time really well done.

In addition to our two monthly meetings (more about those a little later) we also went clay pigeon shooting. Graeme Cole an active and valuable member of TRLG also has a hobby involving shotguns and arranged a morning clay-pigeon shooting event for us at his local club. 10 of us set off in glorious sunshine to Woodland Pursuits, Reigate. We firstly received a safety talk, Bacon/Sausage baps with tea/coffee, we were then arranged into 2 groups, introduced to our instructor who had our guns and off to the traps we went. Undoubtedly some of the traps were more challenging than others (I can certainly attest to that regarding the last trap, what a disaster!) but we all had great fun. Graeme had also arranged lunch at a local pub The Plough, a cozy 15th century establishment who were able to host all ten of us at one table. It was a good fun day, well done Graeme.

In addition to the Woodlands TRLG also attended the Royal Egham Show, it’s the first time in a while that we have attended this show, but it is now firmly on our Calendar. We had 9 cars on display, our TRLG Flag along with our much-needed Gazebo as again the sun shone VERY brightly, we met many new faces along with a new Member Tony Doyle who introduced himself to us at the show, Welcome. The arena at the show was very busy with all sorts of different displays although I think the highlight for me was the Junior motorcycle display team, who to my amateur eye showed amazing skills and dexterity. Barry Rowe, original TR6 owner and our ex- Royal Signals Captain who once led the famous White Helmet’s Motorcycle display Teams, was also incredibly impressed and he should know! So, they really were VERY good.

Back to our two monthly meetings, we are trying alternative pubs for our first monthly group meeting location. The Marquis of Granby at the Scilly Isles Roundabout system was the first one tried, mixed responses and a few serious questions so we are still searching! More about that in our next report

So finally, then come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. See our upcoming dates below - please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times