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TR Action London Group report for issue 333

TR Action London Group report for issue 333

Well, obviously, the biggest event in our now busy calendar was the Triumph and MG Weekend at Malvern - boy did TRLG have fun. With the campfire lit, the whisky and beers flowed, singing along with the music, gazing wistfully into the flames, occasionally coughing our guts up because of the smoke and of course the obligatory tales of derring-do! Some of which actually contained a modicum of truth! All-in-all, two great nights.

I think though the best surprise during one of the two nights spent around that good ole campfire was Steve Roberts arriving with what was basically a reasonably sized bucket of hot Scampi which as the munchies were definitely hitting was very welcome.

During the two+ days of the event TRLG enjoyed the auto solo, the show in the arena and of course all the displays. Myself though, with the sterling help of Barry Rowe, basically fed the arena with the cars that Wayne and his team so ably spoke about. I personally have to thank “spotty legs” Stephen Hall who arranged all the cars in the arena which my lot had sent down. Though I say so myself I think we made a good team.

Our final outing of the month was a trip out to the Tinkers Park Open Day at Hadlow Down in East Sussex – a healthy run of 48 miles, just as panic buying of fuel was starting! Six cars made the trip and luckily all had enough fuel as we drove past the queues at the petrol stations. One at Tinkers Park there was a selection of other classic cars, some fantastic old buses, a narrow-gauge railway and, of course, a selection of magnificent steam traction engines, including one demonstrating an old-style road repair. Perhaps coal & steam are the solution to the so-called fuel crisis?

Looking forward, you are always welcome to come and join us for a noggin and a natter (whatever that is) over a beer. On the first Thursday of every month at The Rose of York, Petersham Rd, Richmond TW10 6UY and then on the third Thursday at Kingston Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0DP both meetings start from 7:30pm and both serve good food!!

London Group

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