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TR Action London Group report for issue 332

TR Action London Group report for issue 332

So, what has TRLG or if you prefer TR London Group been up to since our last report, well obviously the requisite number of Group meetings, which I have to say have all been very well attended both in Richmond and Malden Rushett our 2 locations this even when the weather Gods were in a very spiteful tetchy mood and rained on us.

Our first event was the Warlingham Classic Car Show. BIG thanks to Mr. John Collins and all his neighbours as we all rocked up at his place at about 7.15am on a quiet Sunday Morning parking on both his Drive and front garden before moving on to the show, the Danish pastries, tea and Coffee were fantastic BUT the noise we made leaving……. Nessen Dorma - None shall sleep. We easily filled our 12 allotted spaces and to be honest we could have had more cars there but that was our allocation, we erected our smaller 3.5M Gazebo to give us some much-needed shade as that day the Sun Shone and the temperature soared sadly those with skin like mine needed to hide, whilst everyone else enjoyed it, all that said a great time was had by all it was especially good to see Steve and Julia Roberts in TRS which not surprisingly stole the Show. Most importantly though the show raised a shed load of cash for a local Children’s Charity which was the whole point.

The following weekend of Course was the 50(1st) Anniversary of the Register celebration being held at Gaydon, following a meet up at MacDonald’s Denham (We know how to live in the London Group!) 6 cars blasted up the M40 to join the overheated traffic jam at the entrance of the Heritage Centre another 2 cars joined us later and the London Group Flag flew proudly amongst the Trees by the TR Register Gazebos. Well done and big thanks to Phil Horsley and the team for a great day.

The next weekend saw a first certainly for this Group Leader of the London Group in that the London Group Flag Flew at both Brooklands and at Goodwood at the same time on the same day, thankfully we have 2 flags. Basically 10 cars and again well done to Julia and Steve who certainly nabbed themselves a prime spot (check out their brilliant photo) all enjoyed the Goodwood Classic Breakfast and all this iconic track has to offer, whilst Steve Bamforth lead a merry crew of 8 cars from the Sainsbury’s at Painshill (Boy we are living the life) to the Brooklands Members Retro Jumble and Classic Car Meeting thankfully the event was far better organised and thought out than its title, all the feedback was as we would expect from Brooklands was “what a great morning” TRLG certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.

Looking forward, you are always welcome to come and join us for a noggin and a natter (whatever that is) over a beer, you are most welcome on the first Thursday of every month at The Rose of York, Petersham Rd, Richmond TW10 6UY and then on the third Thursday at Kingston Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0DP both meetings start from 7:30pm and both serve good food!!

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times