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TR Action London Group report for issue 329

TR Action London Group report for issue 329

Well so what has been the main high light for London Group over the last few weeks, apart from the fantastic Zoom meetings and thanks to both John Headden and David Boucher for their TR related quizzes. Amazing research from both of you. All that said I was flabbergasted at the up take when I created a TRLG WhatsApp Group, following a number of requests from members. Yes, the first few days also saw what seemed to be a lot of leavers (mainly because of the uptake) however to give you an idea of the traffic over the last month more than 100 Media Links (Photos) have been added to the group, the highest activity in one day was 143 messages. The discussions have ranged from the Best Oil for Gearbox & overdrive units, to updates on car rebuilds and discussions on the best Petrol to use in our beloved TRs. I have to admit to being incredibly grateful for the mute function that WhatsApp offers, as I operate both the TRLG Admin Phone and of course my own Phone initially with both going off at a heck of a rate notifying me of a new message I wasn’t sure which way to turn.

What this has done though is bring a number of less active members into playing an active part in TRLG life. I look forward to seeing many of them in the flesh when we are able, hopefully very soon indeed by the time you are reading this. Staying with WhatsApp and TRLG, when I also created an Events Account purely for Event notification with no chat or threads the only person the App allows a response to, is me and me alone nearly all the members who had initially left the TRLG Members Group were happy to join The TRLG Events Group.

Finally, then to a picture personally I am getting rather bored of happy smiling Zoom/Team/Google team screen shots so attached is my favourite picture of Terry taken at the Campsite at Spa Franco champs a few years ago, oh those happy days!!!!!

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times