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TR Action London Group report for issue 321

TR Action London Group report for issue 321

Soc.Sec.David Boucher writes: Well I find myself writing this in strange times - I’m sure all correspondents in this magazine will remark on the effect of Covid-19 on our TR calendars, notably that they are now on hold. By the time you read this in May, there is a slim chance that we might be back in action in June, but I don’t hold out much hope as I write this in early April, if I’m honest. On the positive side, there are going to be some amazing ‘primped & preened’ TRs out there when lockdown ends - I imagine it’s keeping some members sane ‘just popping out to the garage’!

Thankfully, we have been keeping busy in the run-up to lockdown with London Group members manning the TR-Register stand every day as usual at the London Classic Car Show in February. What was not usual was the venue, with a change from the Excel Centre to Olympia. I was delighted that it was so much easier to get there but have to say that I personally didn’t enjoy the show so much without the ‘Classic Car Avenue’ - just my personal view - and not because we didn’t win ‘Best Car Club Stand’ (which we clearly deserved!). As ever, it was great fun manning the stand meeting so many interested Triumph nuts.

Later in February, we had our annual Curry Night in Teddington with a small but exclusive number enjoying the tasty food. Traditionally, this is held on the nearest Thursday to Valentine’s Day but this year it was later in the month and became a male only gathering.

Early in March, we held our annual 10-Pin Bowling Contest at the Hollywood Bowl, Surbiton. This is the second time we have held this event, and as usual, everybody acts very casual on arrival as to how competitive they will be ….. until the action starts and then the gloves come off!! A dozen of us attended taking up two lanes and the banter was excellent with much rivalry between the two lanes. It was chaos at the end over the final scores but I am reliably informed that this years champion is Peter Keefe!

Our final event was going the Leicestershire Group for their 50th Anniversary Photoshoot. 6 members in 6 cars met for an early breakfast in Denham before hitting the M40 in hazy sunshine for Beaumanor Hall near Loughborough but the weather deteriorated as we headed north, and by the time we hit the M1 is was category ‘cats & dogs’ rain. Luckily, it eased by the time we arrived for the photoshoot. There will be a full report I am sure (if not an article!) from the Leicestershire Group but suffice to say there was great camaraderie and banter before we hit the road - whereupon the rains started again!!

And then came ….. lockdown! And the decimation of our calendar including our overseas trips to Spa Classic, Laon and (we think) Le Mans Classic. I sincerely hope that by the time you read this our calendar will be refreshed and up & running including our fortnightly group meetings for a natter & a noggin so keep a look out on your emails or the website for details and fresh news.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times