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TR Action London Group report for issue 313

TR Action London Group report for issue 313

David Boucher writes:- Our wondrous leader has let me loose on the computer again to write the London Group's report for this edition, our first for 2019. Well, it's been a good year already, not least because there has been some unfeasibly good winter weather to allow some TR Action (see that play on words!) well before spring. Our year kicked off like it did for so many others in the south with the Brooklands New Year's Day meeting – in fact, there were so many cars that it became a car park for a while just to gain entry. Not often you see cars pulling over overheating on the 1st January!

Next up we had the inaugural TR-London Group 10-Pin Bowling Competition at Tolworth at the end of January. A good turn-out with all competitors remarking how long it has been since they last played, but it soon became clear that we had a ringer who was a bit of a dab-hand with Peter Keefe cleaning up in both games (we should have realized as soon as we saw his outrageous shirt)! This will become an annual event, although the committee may have to find a way of putting Peter off next year!!

For the second year running, London Group helped the 'ace' staff team on the TR Register stand every day at the London Classic Car Show at Excel in February - they had put together a really interesting selection of display cars from our membership showing TRs in various states of condition. I personally was there all day on Friday and can confirm it was a great experience with visitors coming onto the stand more or less all day with much interest and a huge variety of questions, making us certainly one of the busiest 'Club' stands, all topped off with the TR Register winning best 'Club Stand' at the Show - well done everybody.

Next up was the annual curry night on a wet night in Hampton where much fun was had by all, as usual.

The Crown Classic 'Winter health Check' followed in late February where we had 12 cars and about 20 people enjoying bacon sarnies and the chance to take the 'mickey' out of other peoples cars – Many thanks to Jay & Tony for a great and really useful Saturday morning where they gave our cars a thorough once over and report. The event also managed to raise several hundred pounds for Crown's trainee teenage technician who had recently suffered a brain aneurism.

Finally, we've had our first pub-run of the year which took advantage (luckily) of the weather on a trip out to Abinger Common, near Dorking – makes you feel like the classic car season is really upon us.

Hope to see many of the TR clan on Drive-It Day and at all the other up and coming events.

London Group

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