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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 297- but unpublished

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 297- but unpublished

Well here we are in the last days of May sitting in the sunshine thinking of all that London Group did during this month. May the 4th (be with you) saw our first group meeting in Richmond much of the talk was about our forthcoming now regular trip to Spa. As the rally plates for the event were distributed in the evening, everyone there got involved in the discussions great fun.

The following weekend the 7th / 8th saw the power of social media at full tilt. On Saturday afternoon/evening Dave Ferguson posted on our LG WhatsApp group that that the TSSC were having their annual South East of England get together in Leatherhead the following day. He intended to go and as it is one of those turn up and pay on the gate events, if anyone else fancied it just come along. Well come along we did in total 8 cars from London Group it was great to see Mick & Jennie Watson at their first (most certainly not the last) Triumph event. The biggest surprise though had to be Marcus Gordon in his quite specular Triumph Italia, it simply and quite rightly stole the whole show. Marcus was cajoled by the organisers into entering his car in to their Prize Cars awards and was awarded both Best TR (well he is in the Register) and Best in Show to what seemed to be the total agreement of all gathered.

The following Sunday 8 cars set off over the Sunny Surrey Hills heading for The Fountain Inn for a Sunday Lunch, however despite phone calls and long waits in lay-bys only 4 arrived. 20 minutes later with the arrival of the other 4 the tale of woe was revealed. It seems that a Land Rover towing a Horse box pulled out in front of Geoff & Jacqui's car, both swerved to avoid each other, the Horse box unfortunately glanced a tree which caused a rather large branch to fall on Heather and Nick's car, which unsurprisingly caused Mark Ockenden to stop, at which point another totally un related car pulled out and went straight into back of Mark's Stationary car. Ed Fitzpatrick just stared in disbelief.

Our second group meeting, 3rdThursday of the month took place at The Star Inn Kingston Road, Leatherhead oddly a pub we have been visiting for many a year but never later than 8.00am as it has been our gathering place for our annual SPA trips. Anyway, despite what I am told was TORRENTIAL almost Biblical rain, a good turnout gathered in our designated area (right next to the Bar) and parked their cars in our designated parking area (right at the front.) The Star really looked after them. Meanwhile in a Chinese Restaurant in old Stavelot Town, Belgium, 9 London Group members gathered and began talking with great anticipation and excitement of their forthcoming SPA experience, but more about that next time this report is already far too long sorry ed. Finally then, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site - both start at about 8:30pm

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times