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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 277

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 277

I write this, well at least start to write right this, in a hotel in France following another brilliant Classic Le Mans weekend and where even more planning for the London /Glavon group camping weekend (really a skittles match with a real vigour!)has been made , but more about these and our other thrilling adventures later. So what happened in June well by our recent standards it was a relatively quite month. Our first monthly group meeting Thursday 5th saw the unveiling of Alan Jones's beautifull Green TR3A luckily in the sunshine in which she glowed. Saturday 7th saw a valiant attempt to join the Ace Café Triumph car day, it was especially nice to see Rob and Sarah Lord out in the beast their rather special TR6 now sporting its now not so new softop, but still making its mighty roar. Sadly the closure of the Hanger Lane gyratory which of course was our route to the Ace Café led to one massive snarl up all around west London which meant that after about 2 hours sat in the blazing sunshine going absoluetely nowhere the decision was finally made to give up and to go to an accesable pub not the Ace Café. The following day that was our Sunday Pub Run took us up and over the Surrey Hills to the the Punchbowl Inn again in blazing sunshine but some how this was a much more pleasant experience. This run saw Alan Jones bring out his gorgeous green TR3A it's first real drive out. He later described the drive as brilliant. That same weekend of course was the Derby Dales weekend which London Group has supported for many a year.So then on to later in the month well w/c 16th June was actually quite busy we had a pre Classic Le mans meeting and of course our alternative club night both of these were held at the Abbey Moor Golf Club. Then on the Friday a rather important event took place one which we in the London Group have been anticpating for some time. A WEDDING! I am proud to announce to one and all that our Club Secreatary Sarah Fielder married ex Group Leader Mark Ockenden and once again in June the sun shone, TR's graced the entrance and the celebrations went on well into the night, you know that all our best wishes are with you two. The final June event was the Standard Triumph Marque at Brooklands, London Group joined up with Thames Valley Group for a splendid cavalacade in to Museum Car park and I must compliment Mervyn and his team for organising such a fantastic parking place for us all on yet another blazing hot June day we were all parked in the shade, well done!

Then on to July and boy was that a busy one, early July saw London Group take in total 12 cars 24 people to the Le Mans circuit France over the extended weekend we enjoyed a BBQ at our campsite, a group meal at the Buffalo Grill, Breakfasts of mega bacon butties, late nights and lazy days watching nutters hairin round the track in priceless calssic cars, torrential rain, all the razzamataz of a classic car meet and of course a few of us took to the track ourselves for few warm laps, personally I only span once this year – which wasn't my fault there had been an oil spill – HONEST! On the return we had an overnight in St Omer to clean ourselves up and enjoy a traditional French meal of a Chinese Buffet. Then on Monday a cavalacade to the Juno Beach museum and lunch by the famous Arnhem Bridge and finally a dash to the ferry home a grand weekend. Next weekend of course was the annual London/Glavon Group skittles weekend. We all met in our Cotwolds Pub Location and set up camp in the site behind it, not bad a campsite with brand new shower block attached to a PUB!!!. After breakfast in the Pub on Saturday Andy myself and Jean worked out a route for a drive out as befits this area we took in Lakes Dams and of course had Ice Creams on the beach this year we even took in Cheddar Gorge timing it so it was quiet, so we could blast it. The skittles and buffet evening followed London A London B and Glavon it resulted in a draw between London A & London B so a shoot out followed. The highest scorer for London A stepped forward one bowl only scored ZERO missed the lot London B stepped forward and scored 1- absolutely brilliant. Sunday again after a massive breakfast in the pub we broke camp and headed up to Stourhead House then home. The next weekend was a little quieter a return to the Foresters for our monthly Pub run and then on to the Bentley Classic Car Rally

Finally then, a very busy couple months for the London Group Future events include Drive outs, club meets, a trip to Beaulieu for the Auto Jumble, the Fireworks night get together oh yes and of course Christmas!, so come and join us even just for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep your eye on the web site) - both kick off at around 9.00pm.

London Group

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