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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 275

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 275

What happened with the London Group in April? Good question, Answer: 4 ½ weeks 6 events a busy month; a standard club night early in the month, a run through the new Forest to Bournemouth, our monthly Pub Run, the Historic Counties run, our AGM and finally of course a drive to Hever Castle with the Drive it Day extravaganza – well done Kent Group.

On then to our first club night of April Thursday 3rd April at the Rose of York Richmond and a jolly good night it was too with a few TR's braving the bad weather in the Car park outside with us nattering away over a drink, safe and sound inside, Lovely.

That first weekend in April saw the Wessex New Forest Triumph Run, London group made a showing, Mark O in his 6, Sarah F (soon to be O!) in Stella the Stag and Roger et al in A TR4A sadly although Mark said that the organization and the route was superb and the turnout was fair the weather at the beginning of April was not, all a bit soggy, but a good time was had by all.

The following weekend Andy and his crew (Myself, Geoff Naumann and Andy Gleeson) entered the Historic Counties Run – "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside" was the tag line. It's like a Treasure Hunt over 12 hours overnight anywhere in the UK, last year it involved Scotland although we blew up at Newark so failed to finish. Our jointly owned 2000 MK2 known as Andy in homage to Andy Cap as his Reg number is KAP 617L, set sail for an industrial estate in deepest Essex for the Gymkhana section of the run, which we resolutely cocked up big time, failing to follow the majority of instructions and scoring nothing. Then following a very good home-made meal we got our instructions for the first half of our night run, and at our allotted time (just after 6.00pm) we set off in totally the wrong direction heading for Cromer which meant we had no chance of visiting any of the listed locations without incurring penalties – we would run out time! We arrived at the mid- point Rownhams Services M27 just outside Southampton, breathless having stormed from the Norfolk coastline to get there in time, only to score 3 points out of a possible 24. After a sumptuous meal supplied by a well-known burger chain that had stayed open for us, it was now 2.00am we again set off at our allotted time for the final section. The final location was the Haynes Museum Sparkford, finally in this the last section we got hold of the concept luckily I had personal knowledge of the areas to visit and we had visited the Haynes Museum recently on one of our drives. So we flew round gaining points and to our astonishment when all was over and breakfast eaten, it transpired that we had secured 22 points and 15th place out of 20 starters! Next year!

During that same weekend, on the Sunday, London Group had its monthly Pub Run, the photos of the day look fantastic, in fact talking to the guys I think a number of people must have been sunburnt. The run was joined by Bill Linfoot and his wife in their beautiful TR2 so on the run was a 2, 3A, 4, 4A and a 6 we'll have to get one of our 5's out on one of these runs! The trip down to the Fountain in the sunshine looked, great Jean Parkinson sent me some wonderful photo's of the run, it seems that after a great drive the lunch was long, relaxed and very very pleasant. I'm sorry I missed it.

Then week 3 our Alternative club night which saw our AGM, nice big space Abbey Moor Golf club, the Scalextric whizzed, the drink flowed, the food disappeared, the raffle was won, the music played and we all got voted back in again so myself as Group Leader, Sarah Fielder (soon to be Ockenden) Secretary, David Boucher Treasurer and Roger Hogarth as Register Liaison officer.

Finally of course in April was Drive it day. The London group set off from Ockham bites our well-trodden start point for most of our drives outs, early on Sunday Morning heading of course for Hever Castle in Kent. To join the Kent Group and the rest of the South East Region. Leading were the route-miesters themselves John & Erica Millward and a fantastic route it was, with fast roads, small roads, hills, water and great scenery. Amongst our group was someone we had not seen for a long time and she made a very welcome return, Alison in her Birthday Boy 50 years to the day TR4 BRO 993B all agreed it was a Grand Day out the maze the Castle the parking and of course the Lake congratulations to Kent for a job well done.

So 2014 is already shaping up as a great TR year for London Group, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site) - both kick off at around 9.00pm.

London Group

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