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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 274

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 274

So what's been happening in the London Group? Well March was the first month when we had some real sunshine and could actually start to enjoy our cars rather than just fettle them. After a well-attended 1st Club night on the 6th, the London Group TR Activities monthly Pub Run in March was our second (this time successful) push to Shurlock. Now that the epic floods are starting to subside we felt it right to head north as this had been our target location in February. Sadly though because of the floods and the aftermath they leave behind them, we did have to make one rather large detour from our original rained off February route. An old rustic picturesque hump back bridge over a small stream first identified in January whilst researching the route was by March sadly no longer there –gone! Washed away, a real shame as that little bridge had joined two lovely roads across beautiful open fields, but hey ho Mother Nature can be cruel. But we still had a great blast up Drift Road, a dead straight isolated highway - FanTastic! We had a good turn out on what was really the first sunny day in 2014, Phil and Hazel Hayden joined us in their lovely 250 whilst the Shurlock Inn, Shurlock looked after us all very well, but most importantly the sun shone all day!.

The Weir Hotel Walton-on-Thames just off Sunbury Lane hosted our alternative club night later in the month, a fine Edwardian Thames riverside hostelry with a very discerning canine drinker and some very fine ale. To the surprise of the majority of the group that attended, myself included, it transpired that the Weir had played an important part in the history of the TR Register in the Greater London area. It seems that The Weir Hotel was the location of the very first ever TR Register local group meeting, this following the formation of the Register at the Hopcroft Holt, 11th January 1970. This group becoming known as the Thames Valley Group, officially forming 7th June 1970 and taking its name it seems due to the Weirs Thames Side location. A number of those original Thames Valley Group (TVG) members later that year September 1970 went on to form the London Group. So for a quiet drink on a club night this really was an amazing find. All this was brought to our attention by Keith & Jean Parkinson, both long time TR enthusiasts and highly valued members of the Register.

As I write in Mid-late April the final preparations for our London Group AGM Extravaganza are being made, in fact the giant Scalextric circuit is all set up, the music is playing the quiz is lined up the food is being prepared and the Flag is up and flying high. So now as I sit in the bar all we are waiting for is for the London Crew to arrive. Beer to the ready I'll let you know how it went next time.

Our upcoming events are of course Drive it day on the 27th April, our joint drive out with Kent Group on the 11th May and our select trip to SPA Francorchamps later in the month

So 2014 is really shaping up as a great TR year for London Group, come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site) - both kick off at around 9.00pm.

London Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times