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TR Lincs January 2021 Newsletter

TR Lincs January 2021 Newsletter

A belated Happy New Year to you all and I trust you all had an enjoyable, albeit restricted, Christmas. Sadly we find ourselves once again in a lockdown with even more stringent regulations being put on us to restrict our movements. This current lockdown is scheduled for review week commencing 15th February although legislation passed in Parliament on January the 6th allows for it to remain in place until the 31st of March. You can guess which date it's going to be! It is anticipated that even with the lockdown removed that restrictions around Hands-Face-Space will continue for sometime after that while the vaccine roll out continues.

What does that mean for us in TR Lincs? More of the same I'm afraid. Our early season events are likely to be postponed yet again and the ability to meet up is still not permitted. Hopefully we can look forward to restarting from April onwards but I can't confirm one way or another at this stage. I will obviously keep you up to date on our events and the key national TR Register events as soon information becomes available.

Many of you have enjoyed over the years the excellently organised Tour of Lincs 100 runs by John Elkington and his colleagues from the Rotary Club, Sleaford in aid of the Lincs/Notts Air Ambulance. I'm afraid that due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the understandable decision of John and David to call it a day after 16 years means that there will be no TOL100 in 2021. Over the years the TOL100 had raised £25,500 for the Air Ambulance and I'm sure that you would wish to thank John and his team for his efforts over the years and perhaps a new TOL100 may emerge - you never know.

Anyway enough of the doom and gloom there are still things TR we can still enjoy and you'll find details of a few below.

In the meantime you know the drill

We all have to have it but do we really understand it? Well now is your chance to find out. To try and kickstart 2021, Peter Barrett of TR Register Insurance has kindly offered to give a short presentation on what you need to consider for classic car insurance. He will also happily take any questions you may have on not just classic insurance but on any insurance questions you may have. Now given the current lockdown we are going do this via Zoom! I know, it's a first for us although I suspect many of you have used it over the months (or Teams) to talk to friends and family. The presentation will take place on Thursday 14th January commencing 7.30pm. You can join in via Zoom, you don't need to have zoom installed as I will send you a link in order to join in. If you don't have a camera on your PC/Phone then you can simple join in by phone or just audio. I do hope that some of you will join in and you never know we may use it again for other sessions until we can physically meet up again. If you would like to join in then send me an email by clicking HERE or via and I will send you the link that you will need. Looking forward to "seeing" you on the 14th!

Finally something to amuse you during lockdown....

Where are these Triumph garages/dealers located? They are all in Lincolnshire some past and some present. Answers next time

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times