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LVG Annual Members Meeting & Kick off Lunch

LVG Annual Members Meeting & Kick off Lunch

LVG always have their Annual Meeting at the start of the year and to encourage members to attend, also have a “Kick off” Lunch so they can make an afternoon of it and save on the heating at home😉. This year we returned to the Mount Pleasant Golf Club, in Lower Stondon, who looked after us royally on the day.

We saw the best attended AMM we have held, with over 40 people in attendance. GL, Phil Sanford welcomed everyone and took us through the usual formalities of committee elections (no new volunteers stepped forward, so the existing committee agreed to continue) and our Treasurer Phil Meldrum, gave an overview of our past and present finances. With over £6,000 going through the clubs account, the Treasurers role is quite involved when it comes to the annual reconciliation.

Despite only having six committee members, LVG are very lucky to have other members help out throughout the year and when we got to the annual award presentation the following were awarded:-

Bent Conrod Award for outstanding contribution to the Group, went to Howard Pryor, who helped out during 2023, culminating in running a 50th Anniversary BBQ, although we suspect his wife, Loretta did most of the work. Thank you guys.
Photo below of Howard collecting the award.

Last years winner of the “Best New Car” to the Group, Luke Searle, very generously donated a new cup (the old one was over 40 years old and had lost its silver platting), which incorporated the original plinths to preserve continuity.   In addition we wanted to remember Brian Chidwick who lost his fight against Cancer last year. Brian was one of the founding members of LVG in 1973 and attended our 50th Anniversary meeting at the start of last year. The cup is now titled “The Brian Chidwick Memorial Cup for the best new car to the Group” Thank you Luke. The new cup was then presented to Paul Garvey for his lovely TR4A. To see a photos of Pauls car, look at the gallery link near the bottom of this report.

The third award for “Photo of the year” went to Graham Teeson and the picture he took while TRavelling around the 5000 mile UK coastline last year, which now adorns the front cover of the LVG 2024 Calendar (copies still available at £6 a calendar).

Grahams exploits on his TRip have been serialised in our club magazine TRunnion as an “Extra” publication over the last few months and he wanted to acknowledge the efforts of our resident editor, Chris Glasbey. He therefore made a very nice award of a glass plaque and a model TR2 in recognition of all of Chris’ hard work.

An outline of events already arranged for 2024 was given and a survey handed out to gauge interest in attendance for the next few months. Members were also asked for any ideas for future events and good responses were received. 

Following the formalities, everyone settled down for a very convivial lunch and the customary raffle tickets were sold. Most of the prizes were donated by members and not just the usual second hand unwanted Christmas presents, but some excellent bottles of Wine, Prosecco and Spirits. We now have a good stock of prizes for future raffles.

Due to the recent cold spell the roads were caked in salt and our GL, being a very considerate person, had sent a WhatsApp earlier in the week to encourage everyone to attend in their modern cars. We would normally have photos of quite a few cars for this annual report, but only Michael Boast braved the salt, so here is the one TR in the car park.

For more photos, take a look at our gallery for the days pics on the following link:-

Let’s hope for great weather and some wonderful TR’ing days in the year ahead.

Lea Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times