Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Wayne Scott - Living a Classic Life

Wayne Scott - Living a Classic Life

LVG were fortunate enough to entice Wayne to come and give us “an audience”, where he told us about his background and involvement in everything classic. Most of us will know him as the man with the mike at shows, who seems to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of TR’s and classic cars in general. Little did we know, that his career in PR and Marketing had such a colourful and fulfilling background, from his very young days, when he was given a model police car by our own Eddie Holden, to podcasts for the TopGear team. The talk was very interesting and entertaining with the added advantage of a Pie Supper. 

Over £100 was raised for a Ukrainian ambulance appeal, which Wayne very generously wanted supporting in lieu of any fee for his talk. We did buy him a pie and a pint though😉


Lea Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times