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LVG & NLG at Shuttleworth Engineering Open Day 18th Feb 2022

LVG & NLG at Shuttleworth Engineering Open Day 18th Feb 2022

Despite Storm Eunice lashing Britain, Shuttleworth’s Engineering Open Day went ahead and a small contingent of members from LVG and North London Group attended. One member even ventured out in his TR and everyone got home safely after a very interesting day seeing what goes on to keep the museums aircraft and vehicles operational. 

Winter maintenance is in full swing with many of the airworthy exhibits getting TLC so that they can return to the air in the Spring. We were able to get close up and personal with a Lysander and if anyone thinks they have a problematic oil leak with their TR, I would refer them to the engine bay of this aircraft!!!

More photos in our gallery

Lea Valley Group

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