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LVG Christmas meeting

LVG Christmas meeting

Covid and Lateral Flow tests didn’t stop 23 LVG members meeting for a Christmas lunch. Only 3 TR’s were seen in the car park, with all returning home safely in damp and misty conditions. 

The Cock PH made their barn available to us exclusively and you can see it is still in the process of being built, but unlike meetings earlier in the year, the doors were on and heating made it bearable with better ventilation than the main pub building.

Phil Sanford ran a “Body Parts” quiz (typically that resulted in some smutty answers!!!) and we all enjoyed our last meet of 2021. Everyone keep safe and have a Very Happy Christmas.
We are all keeping everything crossed that 2022 will be a better year and we can all get out and about TouRing in whatever Classic floats your boat…………especially TR’s.

Lea Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times