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Lea Valley Group Report 327 - January 2021

Lea Valley Group Report 327 - January 2021

#327 – LVG Social Scene Report

Report from Pierre MILES

Thank heavens for WhatsApp, such a good source of info on what LVG TR owners are doing in N Herts and Bedfordshire. The most popular activity appears to be related to resurrecting wing panels for sidescreen TRs. It is very impressive what some LVGers are achieving – far more impressive than my ensuring a TR6 number plate light will no longer droop over the number plate -achieved simply by fitting the spire nuts for the screws to where they had not been used previously.

Now that we have come through what was formerly known as the festive season, it is time to look forward to what the new year will offer us. Frankly, the obvious answer right now is not a lot. There are just two events on our books so far. The first is the Coast to Coast trip in June that will be followed for the LVG by a few days touring in N.Wales. This concept follows on from its very successful predecessor in 2019 when we explored S.Wales after the C2C arrival in Aberystwyth. Our second event is on 21 July and is our third staging of our highly successful Shine and Show at our ‘HQ’, the Cock Inn at Broom near Biggleswade. The first time we held this we hosted 70+ classic vehicles of all types, (2 3, 4 and 6 wheelers included). The second time we had nearly 2 hundred and almost filled the field, this year we will have TS2 as an added attraction – if the numbers go up much more we will be turning people away!

On a festive note, Santa in the sleigh failed to make an appearance this year having succumbed to an inoperable seam failure, that even Duct/Duck tape failed to fully remedy! The sleigh itself has been pushed out of its garage but managed to be driven back in again following which I’m pretty certain that the fuel has lost several octanes during the past few months. Time now to check that mildew has not found a home on the hood, I think.

Right - our great Newsletter TRunnion has just been received so it’s a perfect time to settle down for some interesting reading. Well done, Chris – looks just excellent again!!!

Lea Valley Group

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