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Lea Valley Group Report - TR Action 325 - November 2020

Lea Valley Group Report - TR Action 325 - November 2020

Report from Pierre MILES

Here we are in late September, with the daily temperature having fallen in N. Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire to something like the average figure for this time of the year. It just goes to emphasise how fortunate we were that the pandemic constraints came during a time of good weather that provided a large number of opportunities to get out and about in our TRs, accepting of course that socialising was and continues to be less than straightforward. In common with other groups and TRR guidance, we have of course, cancelled our regular meetings at The Cock, although it is fair to say that some of us continue to support the pub through these difficult times, especially as the landlord has made considerable efforts to make the pub a safe place to visit, including building a very spacious outbuilding that provides plenty of space for customers to shelter from the weather. Back in August, this proved invaluable as the area suffered a veritable cloudburst that caused slight flooding of the pub and deterred even the most hardy of LVGers from leaving. Those of us who had already left were reminded of the ‘fun’ that can be had driving TRs in very heavy rain. There were reports later of problems with misting up and wet feet, as well as the expected comments about wipers, traffic spray and being visible to other road users in such conditions.

Although the LVG has not organised any events of our own, several members are getting out and about to enjoy their cars, including to the imperial War museum at Duxford arranged by the local branch of the TSSC. An excellent and most interesting venue that provided the opportunity to view the automotive version of a spitfire flight line. The day was not so good for a couple of TR5 owners from an adjacent TRR group who managed a slight ‘coming together’ on their way into the event. Just goes to show what a lapse of concentration for just a fraction of a second can do. Thankfully, the only casualty was a slight embarrassment and nothing physical.

On the technical front, besides the resurrection of some sidescreen TRs in the group about which I am sure we will soon be able to read, my sole technical contribution this time is to report on the addition of a switch and light to alert me to having the handbrake engaged on in my TR6. This had become something of a necessity after having recently driven 20+miles to ‘our ‘ pub with it on, something that I realised only from the smell when arriving! I’ve been prone to doing this since suffering a stroke last October. The idea came about after one group member mentioned that the TR7 has such a feature as standard, so I thought it worth investigating to see if a similar solution could be fitted to my car. Those very capable people at Robsport duly obliged and I have not driven off with the handbrake engaged again.

Lea Valley Group

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