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MCC Exeter Trial - 5th - 6th January 2018

MCC Exeter Trial - 5th - 6th January 2018

At last year's International Weekend, former Glavon Group Leader Jeanna Ind successfully outbid all competition in the charity auction for the chance to accompany the hugely experienced Phil Tucker in his extensively campaigned TR3a on the gruelling Exeter Trial.

From Friday evening, through the night and on through Saturday, the intrepid pair covered some 300 miles which included 160 miles of the actual trial, incorporating 15 arduous observed sections with evocative names like Norman's Hump. Tillerton Steep and Slippery Sam! They cleared every section except for the last few yards of the notoriously difficult Simms Hill which conspired against them collecting a gold medal for a clean sweep.

A full account of Jeanna's amazing experience can be seen in the February edition of Glavon News.

Glavon Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason-Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760 329
  • Mobile
    07831 456 155
  • Email address

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