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Social Scene 339

Social Scene 339

Allan Jezzard writes:-

At last the “season” appears to have come alive. In the last report, I mentioned the up-coming East Region barbecue; well, Dave Solomon’s organisational skills enabled over 40 cars most with 2 occupants, to park up very neatly alongside a gazebo- just in case. The weather held and as we had to vote on our favourite TRs within their various marques, we had the ideal opportunity to examine most of them quite closely. Groups represented were: Abbott and Stour, Camb Followers, East Saxons, Essex, North London and Wensum, and what a great showing they provided.
The next event that 10 east Saxons (5 cars) attended was the Derby Dales bash at the Palace Hotel in Buxton. Dave Worne and his merry band had devised run-outs for both Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the stunning Derbyshire scenery. The weekend was somewhat tarnished for me and Veronica however, as whilst negotiating a very large roundabout on the journey home we were assaulted by a Japanese hatchback that severely damaged our offside and pushed us into a road works sign (see photo). This happened at 2.30 p.m. but it took until after midnight to arrive home. There now follows the difficult bit!
One of the nicer venues on our regular circuit of shows is the Lawn at Rochford. Not having a classic in which to attend, we were most grateful to be offered a lift in Bob Pagram’s enormous ’63 Thunderbird. Apart from providing space for four passengers, it enabled us to transport the considerable bulk of our gazebo and regalia. However, after meeting with the other East Saxons attendees on a very pleasant and warm Sunday morning, we joined the queue for the entrance. You all know the most likely problem in very slow moving elderly traffic on a warm day is overheating. We moved perhaps 10 yards in the first fifteen minutes but this progress slowed even more as cars began succumbing to the lack of cooling air. First John and Madeleine Clark’s 6 cried enough on what was their first outing for a couple of years due to illness and Covid. Then the Thunderbird became a victim when it began stalling when engaging “drive”. Long story short, it took us about 1½ hours to reach the entrance. Goodness knows how many “ordinary” road users missed their Sunday roast at the mother-in-law’s due to the gridlock.
Our meetings at both the Alma and the Farmhouse continue to attract healthy numbers, and I shall continue to be there even though I’ll be in my “everyday” car. I suspect I will be without classic transport for the rest of the year, but I can hope!
Finally ensure you stay up to date by visiting “”

East Saxons Group

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