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Social Scene 335

Social Scene 335

Allan Jezzard Writes:-

Happy New Year to all Register members. In the last edition, I mentioned the only up-coming event was our Christmas Dinner and Dance. Well despite several withdrawals, six on the day itself, all due to heavy colds rather than Covid or fear of, it went ahead and what a good do it turned out to be. I think we had 49 attendees to enjoy an excellent meal and entertainment from a very professional vocalist performing to backing tapes. We were especially pleased to see Sylvia Russell who was very doubtful about attending but her rugby injury is now healing and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Gradually our events list is looking healthier and by the time you read this, we will probably have had our now annual season opener; breakfast at the nursery of one of our members. Looking forward to that!

We continue to have our regular monthly meetings at both the Farmhouse and the Alma but our first Thursday meeting in March (ie 3rd March) will be our annual AGM at the Farmhouse so here’s the chance for you to put your ideas forward or even volunteer to become a committee member. Remember we’re short of an ESP editor and Veronica and I would be delighted to pass on the green eyeshade to a volunteer with some fresh thoughts. On the subject of ESP editor don’t forget to send in any articles, tips, reports on work done, or trips for inclusion. Until we have confirmed the new appointment, send what you have to me or Veronica.

That’s all for now keep in touch via

East Saxons Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times