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Social 319

Social 319

East Saxons Social Scene 319

Allan Jezzard Writes:

We’re now in the trough where the festivities are over and virtually all we have to look forward to is the TRing season although I suspect there are more climatic troughs to endure before we can use the cars in the way they were intended.

Despite what may seem like a very gloomy opening to my 2020 Social Scene, I do wish all Board Members and “ordinary Members” a very happy, enjoyable and healthy New Year.

We will be having a Committee Meeting sometime soon, before our AGM which occurs on 5th March, at which we will be looking at the events for the coming year. This year’s events ended with our Dinner and Dance on 14th December at which we had 60 guests who enjoyed a splendid seasonal meal and a digestive jig afterwards to the group “Cliché”. Finally, we rounded off the year with our “Nibbles Night” at the Three Compasses where we allowed the moths an airing as we donned our lairy but seasonal knitwear complete with some rather ridiculous hats.

I think the first event in the New Year, for some of us at least, will be a visit to the West Country for the Glavon arranged Limpley Stoke Weekend. I don’t think many (if any) of us will be TRing down to Bath as we know from experience that January does not bring the best of weather. That said December this year has been pretty wet and at present the water table in my garage is very close to the underneath of my TR.

Let’s close on a more cheerful note; I’ve jobs to do on the car and they should be ready for a warmer spring leading to a TRemendous Summer.

East Saxons Group

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