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Social 318

Social 318

East Saxons Social Scene 318

Allan Jezzard Writes:

Not too much of interest to report for this edition. That becomes apparent when M.O.Ts feature. Why haven’t I gradually moved this annual requirement to the better weather? It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just one that needed doing; Veronica’s Spitfire 1500 was first and after jiggling a recalcitrant brake cylinder, that passed o.k.

My 6 hadn’t really been used since the Colchester Show in mid September, but started very easily after I re-connected the battery. The thing that really gets me though is why after a year of almost trouble free motoring should a sidelight bulb expire between my house and the M.O.T. station – four miles at the most? A quick replacement though and it’s o.k. for another year.

I did venture out in early October to do a bit of marshalling at a Sprint meeting on Debden Airfield. I accompanied member Ian Freeman on an exceedingly wet Sunday morning to take up a post along the circuit and fortunately I’d donned some waterproofs and was well wrapped up against the elements. I think I’m less enthusiastic about volunteering these days and less hardy than I used to be – must be my age!

Over the years I’ve been keeping my eyes open for a little device that I could have done with in the sixties when I was propelled around town (and country) by a 200c.c. two stroke engine that would most certainly have failed the current clean air regulations. It was a little piece of equipment that enabled you to clean sparkplugs. I had long since given up hope of finding one when at a very small local car show and auto-jumble, there it was. Still in its original box with polythene wrapping intact and for £4, how could I resist? I’ve just tried it… it works!

We’re still meeting at our three regular venues each month and hope to continue throughout the winter but keep your eyes on our website in case we have to change or cancel due to the weather.

In the hope that you receive this publication before December 25, here’s wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

East Saxons Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times