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EasTRiding Social Scene Report for March 2019

On 5th March our monthly meeting only had one classic sports car present, and that was me in the non-TR trying to get the engine run-in properly. The March run was on the 10th. This was organized by Paul & Janet Ash as their Cobwebs Run. Now we live in a pretty dry area of Britain and rarely get more than the odd splash on our runs. Our March run is usually sunny but cold and blows the cobwebs out of the TRs for the first real run out of the season. Well this year the cobwebs got washed out! We should count ourselves lucky as Wales and the North Midlands had snow. We were taken on a pretty (wet) route around the Wolds, to finish for lunch at the Manor Court, Carnaby. It was still raining when we got there. But entropy tends to a maximum, so we had a lovely sunny homeward bound trip, before the rain set in again. Thanks for the work and sorry about the weather Paul & Janet.

East Riding Group

  • Address/meeting place
    Beverley, East Yorkshire
  • Contact Name
    Rob Leonard
  • Telephone
    07487 618 922
  • Email address

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times