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TR Action 329

TR Action 329

As I write this, it was Easter this past weekend and what a weekend it was; lovely warm sunshine one day, and the chance for some to get out and about and enjoy their cars. Then today, it’s been snowing and it’s bitterly cold, so not much fun to be had. My TR is still tucked away from Winter but this time, it’s because of some building work at home and so my car is elsewhere. Still, the restrictions are easing and we’re hopeful some events will be starting in July, so please look at our programme on-line and watch out for the emails.

We have continued to hold our monthly zoom meetings, with good attendance, and I’d like to thank those of you who have joined in. It was especially good to have interactive sessions covering Fuel Injection system calibration, from Dennis, as well as an insight into the TR Register Sprint & Hillclimb Championship from Larry Jeram-Croft, who coordinates the series. Devon member, Chris Smith, joined the meeting too, to share some experiences. Chris is a regular campaigner in this series in his TR3A, as shown in the picture, and we hope to support Larry, Chris and other competitors during the year.

It’s a warm welcome to another, new Devon member. Chris Underhill, who lives in Cullompton, has just purchased a TR6 from out of the region and is looking forward to joining us at our events. Chris lives very close to our Willand meeting venue and has already joined our FaceBook group - we look forward to meeting you.

It’s been a busy time with my management duties. We’ve had a recent MT meeting where some key decisions were needed regarding events and plans for the year, whilst the pandemic continues to bring uncertainty and some disappointments; minutes are now available on-line. More recently, we’ve had our annual Group Leader’s meeting. This one was also on Zoom but very successful it was too, with over 50 attendees hearing about, discussing and contributing to plans for the club and our members. I’ll be sending out a newsletter shortly, with more of an update, so please look out for that. That’s all for now, I hope to see you soon, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times