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TR Action 328

TR Action 328

I hope you’re all keeping ok. A slow start to the year and we’re eagerly awaiting Boris’s announcement next week on the likelihood and timing of the release of the lockdown measures. My car remains safely tucked away in the garage after a week of rain and snow. So, things are getting to look better already and I’m looking forward to getting out and about, one day!

We had our first meeting of the year in February and despite it being on-line with Zoom, we had an excellent attendance of 22 members and we had a good natter as well as talked about LED lights and our plans for future meetings. Our second meeting in March will also have happened by now and I’m pleased to say that we’ll have focussed upon the PI fuel injection system with technical input from our own Dennis. Preparations are under way and I’m sure it will have been well received. I’m hoping to line up further topics, as agreed at our zoom meetings, so please look out for the invites and please do come along and join in if you like.

Next weekend sees me attending our next TR Register Management Team meeting. With lots of things ongoing, there’s a full agenda and you’ll be pleased to know that the MT are working hard to prepare for this year ahead. I’m also doing work on our annual Group Leader’s meeting, which again will be held on-line but I’ve been gathering views from our neighbouring GL’s too as part of my coordinating role.

Interest in TRs continues and I’m pleased to welcome 2 new members to the Devon Group. Peter Mounsey, who lives near Exeter, and Graham Burst who lives in Exmouth, both of whom have recently purchased TR6’s. We look forward to meeting them sometime soon at one of our events.

I’ve previously mentioned the TS2 tour and this has been set out in our TR Action magazine. Plans are still progressing but we will be considering our options at our MT meeting and once we’ve heard what the government have decided on easing the restrictions.

Andrew has managed to collate not one but two issues of our In the Garage newsletter, so you can see how busy, and creative, some of our Devon members have been. If you’ve not seen these or still don’t get my emails, please do get in touch.

That’s all for now, I hope to see you soon, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times