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TR Action 320

TR Action 320

An interesting start to the year, with Storm Ciara battering us all just one week ago and this weekend, we’ve seen Storm Dennis trying its best to disrupt things. Well, this weekend was our first Sunday lunch meeting of the year. We had a good turn-out and a very nice gathering for coffee and then lunch at the Blue Ball, Sidbury. Kindly arranged by Roger and Maureen, it was lovely to catch up with everyone for the start of the year and to meet new locals, Rob and Cheryl Martin who have moved into our area – so welcome to you two, we hope we’ll be seeing you again. There weren’t actually any TRs at our meeting but it did show that a good number of Devon members have access to a 4x4 of some sorts and so the flooded lanes weren’t much of a problem!

We’ve just enjoyed our first regular, evening meetings too. Despite some initial hiccups with our planned meeting at the Travellers Rest, I’m hoping that things will be sorted out ready for the next one. By the time you read this, that will have been determined but please keep an eye out on our Events listing on the TR Register page or make sure you’re getting emails from me or you can of course join our TR Register Devon Facebook group to make sure you’re up to date.

Our recent On the Road newsletter highlighted the National Trust’s Killerton House Classic Car Day on 17 May. The invitation letter points out that despite the excellent attendance numbers, of 5,500 visitors and over 500 exhibitors, this show will be their last for the foreseeable future. I’d expect this one to be particularly popular and you must send in your entry form, a copy of which, along with the invitation letter, is available on the TR Register, Devon Group page. The last two years has seen entries closed early as it was full!

As part of the TR Register’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, we’ll be having an extra headline event this year. Being held at the South Devon Railway centre at Buckfastleigh on 30 May, where amongst other activities there, there will be a special display by the TR Register of TS2, the first right hand drive TR car, which will be available to drive for TR Register members, along with other suitable regalia and special offers for food at the location, so a definite date for your diary, so please look out for more information.

Other events coming up include:

·Sunday lunches on 15 March and 19 April

·Drive it Day on 26 April

·Killerton Classic Car Show on 17 May

·Drive it Day on 26 May

·TR Register’s 50th Anniversary, with TS2 @ Buckfastleigh

·Sunday lunch on 14 June

·As well as supporting a number of TR Register supported track day events.

Hopefully, there’s something for everyone and we look forward to seeing you soon. Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times