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TR Action 317

TR Action 317

TRA317 – Devon Group

A few things have happened since my last report. We’ve enjoyed the latest Triumph Weekend, held at Stratford Upon Avon and very popular it proved too. A number of Devon Group camped as you can see in Martin’s attached photo, whilst some of us retreated into nearby hotels due to wet Friday – not much fun putting up a tent in the rain – and a number of members decided to join us just for the Saturday, including, Tony & Anne, Peter & Mary and Chas with his newly restored ‘6’, which he managed to place on the front row in the arena as part of the 50 years of the TR6 celebration.

We’ve also had our return match of skittles against the local Jaguar Enthusiasts Club and TR’s once again were victorious, with an increased margin this time, although it was a Jaguar member who claimed the prize for the highest individual score.

This Sunday was a glorious day for our Sunday Lunch meeting, arranged by John & Dom. Meeting up on Dartmoor before a lovely scenic drive to the nearby Tom Cobley establishment for a most impressive Sunday lunch. This weekend it’s the Sidmouth Classic Car Show, this is a new one for us to have an official TR Register Devon presence at but it is a nice little show, situated near the town and just off the seafront, so maybe you went along and came to say hello.

Coming up on October 20th, we have our last Sunday meet and lunch for the year, kindly arranged by Paul Gibson, details were sent out in an email invitation and are on our Events calendar, so hopefully, you’ve seen that.

We’ll also be holding our last Thursday and Friday evening meetings for the year in October, so again, please do come along if you can, details are on our Events calendar. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you all at our AGM, being held on 7 November at the Ley Arms, Kenn, where it’s your chance to offer ideas and suggestions towards next year’s calendar. Thereafter it’s our fully subscribed Christmas Lunch on 8 December. So plenty to do and I hope we’ll see you soon. Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times