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TR Action 311

TR Action 311

I'm sure you've had a great Christmas but before we think about what's planned for 2019, there are a few things for me to mention.

In November, Devon Group held their AGM at the Ley Arms, where we had a bumper attendance, where members are keen to come along and listen to me talking about all the things we've done this year and more. We had a simple quiz and a prize draw and of course, the award of our Christie Trophy. This award is given to one of our members whom has been nominated by our members as someone who has provided excellent support to the Group and to individuals through the year. Again, we had a good number of nominations and our deserving winner this year was Dennis Hobbs. So, congratulations and well done to Dennis. Our picture this issue shows Dennis receiving the trophy from Jane Christie. Dennis also gets some money to spend in the TR Register shop and he's already treated himself to a TR Register umbrella.

Other matters at the AGM will be covered in the minutes to be posted onto our Devon pages but I can confirm that I am continuing as GL for another year and I shall once more be ably supported by Kevin our Treasurer. That's the size of our committee, as we simply rely upon volunteers to organise events – which is continuing to go well, so thanks also to those that do help.

I would also like to mention the developments at the TR Register's AGM where our two Devon based Directors, Derek Hurford and Phil Tucker have stepped down from the Board. A very big thank you to both of these guys for all that they have done both nationally and locally and to their wives Janet & Tricia for their support too.

We've just had our traditional Christmas Lunch meeting and what a success that was too. Once more oversubscribed; arranged by Derek & Janet, we had an excellent meal at The Horn of Plenty near Tavistock, where our nouvelle cuisine courses were much enjoyed, even with a bit of banter about the sprout that we shared!

I've added a few more details to our event programme for next year and posted this to our Devon page, so please do have a look. A number of events are being confirmed but I am still looking for some volunteers for complete our Sunday lunch programme, if you can help, please do get in touch.

Our regular meeting calendar starts off in February 2019 and I'm looking at alternative venues for our Thursday club night meetings, so please do look out for specific emails or check out our event pages before setting off.

Best wishes for now, Alan

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times