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TR Action 309

TR Action 309

With so much going on, I decided to reschedule the July lunchtime meeting to be one weekend later when most were expected to have recovered from their travels and I'm grateful to Jane and Anna for arranging this event to The New Inn @ Coleford, where there was plenty of catching up to do.

On Thursday 7th August we were invited by our neighbours in Cornwall to join them at The Eliot Arms at Tregadillet, at the end of their evening drive. A number of our Devon members were able to attend for a most enjoyable evening. Next, we attended the annual classic show at Thornfalcon. Run by the local scouts with a little fund-raising too. It's a popular event where one can arrive and depart whenever, so we stopped off for a breakfast at the nearby Rumwell Garden Centre. This was followed by a scenic trip down a number of nearby lanes to get to Thornfalcon, successfully avoiding the many roadworks in the area – although I actually got a little lost along the way.

As I write this report, we're all set to meet up this weekend at the NT's Knightshayes Court prior to drive up through to Exe valley onto Exmoor for a roast lunch, kindly organised by Jennie.

On 23rd September we had another get together for the Christie Memorial Day. A skittles & lunch event for members of the TR Register with other local car club members, in memory of Peter Christie, and once again, to raise funds for the Rowcroft Hospice. Later in October, we were expecting to join a number of Dorset members who have decided to visit our local motor museum at Mortonhampstead. So there's still plenty been going on down in Devon and if you fancy joining us, please do get in touch.

Upcoming Events

21st October - Sunday Lunch at the Mussel Inn, Down Thomas, Plymouth PL9 0AQ

1st November Devon Group AGM at The Ley Arms, Kenn. This replaces the normal club night at The Rising Sun.

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times