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TR Action 303

TR Action 303

Welcome to our first report for 2018, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and received plenty of new toys for your car which you can now disappear into your garage to fit. This, of course gives you plenty of opportunities for putting together a little article for our In the Garage newsletter, so please do send some content and some pictures through to Andrew or me.

Before I tell you about the year ahead, I should remind you of some great events at the end of last year. In November we visited the Tom Cobley Tavern at Spreyton. We managed to fill all of the parking spaces along the road in the village, which created some local interest and this was at the end of a most enjoyable drive on Dartmoor, having first met up at Widecombe in the Moor for coffee. An excellent event arranged by John and Dominique, so thank you to them.

This was quickly followed by our Christmas lunch special, where we take the chance to show that the members can polish up as nicely as the cars. Once again arranged by Derek and Janet, they found Northcote Manor at Umberleigh, another country house venue, where the setting and food was excellent and we all had a really enjoyable time. So, once again, thank you to you too.

Our programme of events starts up again in February and the draft programme of dates is available on our Devon TR Register webpage. Also in this TR Action magazine you will spot that our regular meeting programme has been changed for this year in line with the debates at this year's AGM. Having taken further soundings, I have decided that we shall move to the new arrangements which are: 1st THURSDAY of the month meeting at the Rising Sun, Woodland. The 2nd FRIDAY of the month we will meet at the Half Way House, Willand and the 3rd SUNDAY of the month will be our Sunday lunch event. These dates are now shown in the draft programme mentioned earlier, so please do have a look and of course, please do get in touch if you wish to help out by arranging one of the Sunday events during the year.

I've mentioned before that if you're not receiving emails from me, to keep you up to date with events and our newsletter, please do get in touch so that I can add you to my mailing list. My contact details are here in the magazine. One extra item that I mentioned at the AGM, which you should have heard about from me in an email, is that I've set up a dedicated Facebook account for Devon TR Register members. My intention is to use this facility for any last minute local events and activities that we wish to share and maybe allow some impromptu get togethers and evening runs, so please contact me if you want more details to sign up. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times