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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 348

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 348

Chris Thirtle writes: Welcome to the Group’s newest member, Tony Hodges, who drives a TR4A and hails from Thornhill. We look forward to seeing you at Group events in the future and, residing in the north of our area, you and others may wish to note our routine 4th Tuesday of the month meetings at The Crispin will be continuing through the winter.

In this latter half of the TRing season, some members have embarked on some epic drives that really live up to the mantra ‘nowhere is far in a TR’. For example, having travelled down to the TR 70th at Shepton Mallet in mid-August, Phil and Jenny K opted for a scenic route home via Devon. Others looked to more organised events and in September, a strong contingent from the Group joined TR’ers from across Europe at the European Meeting in Coventry and Wales. The event coincided with a mini-heat wave and it was top down driving every day. It was brilliantly organised and a truly memorable event in so many ways, but the 60’s/70’s costumes for the gala dinner really were something to behold. Special mention must go to the heroic Howard Jones who was outstanding as the event’s TR specialist and who, with the support of some willing volunteers, gave assistance to over 40 cars during the week, some of which required seriously major surgery.

For many of us the final ‘hurrah’ was the Last Run of the Season on 1 October. Thank you to Ian W for organising it and putting together an interesting and challenging route for the 15 cars, including 9 TR’s, which set off from Rowsley. Despite some traditional wet Derbyshire weather, a great time was had by all.

Finally, his TR8 having suffered a fuel pump failure in Wales, the decision by Dave B with co-driver Wayne Scott, to participate in the Round Britain Run over the 6-8 October, and recreate the run undertaken by the first 2 right hand drive TRS’ in 1980, seemed overly optimistic, but they only went and did it. Completing a fault free 2000 miles in under 48 hours and raising an amazing £1210 for the Huntington’s Disease Association in the process, is an incredible achievement and arguably more so than the original effort when considering current road conditions, traffic volumes, and the biblical levels of rainfall that was impacting Scotland at the time. Inspirational stuff for the rest of us next year.

As the nights draw in, TRs are being prepared for hibernation with overhauls, repairs and upgrades being undertaken. The Group WhatsApp chat is getting busy with questions and solutions, and a huge thank you goes to those who have the knowledge and willingly engage and help those of us that need it. Have a great Christmas everyone.

Diary dates:-

Club nights: 2nd Wednesday of the month, South Wingfield SC, DE55 7LX

4th Tuesday of the month, The Crispin; DE45 1TZ

3 February 24 – Group Annual Dinner; Makeney Hall Hotel, DE56 0RS

21-23 June 24 – Derbyshire Dales Peaks Weekend. See advertisement and website for details

Photograph Caption:

TRs at the Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod, Wales

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times