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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 347

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue 347

TR 347

Chris Thirtle writes: Well, if winter brings the TRing famine then July and August brought the feast, if not the sunshine. One option to avoid the rain was to head to the scorching Mediterranean, and the usual suspects did just that. After enjoying the Le Mans Classic, Darren and Wendy S returned home, but Alan W, Bob G, Howard and Marion J, Simon C and Martin B, followed our illustrious Group Leader and Sarah S on a 3 week, 3200 mile, expedition to Corsica and back. An adventure well worthy of a future feature article, so I’ll not eat their sandwiches here but, WOW.

Meanwhile, the ‘home team’ turned out in force for the July gathering at South Wingfield Social Club where, despite the poor weather, a few TRs ventured out and were rewarded with a top-down drive home before the rain came back with a vengeance. We were back again for the August meeting and Group Summer BBQ, but this time the sun shone and the car park was full of TR’s. Wonderful.

On the 16th July The Great British Car Journey, Ambergate, put on a splendid Triumph Day to celebrate the marque’s centenary and were rewarded with a fantastic turn out. Just a week later the Group escaped the County boundary and 6 TR’s and 8 modern ‘exotics’, mostly crewed by those just returned from Corsica, set off in the Derbyshire drizzle for the West Midlands Air Museum, RAF Cosford, Shropshire. After a brew and breakfast at Fairways Garden Centre, Ashbourne, a south westerly route was taken with the crews arriving at the Museum in time for lunch and a relaxed afternoon spent exploring the contents of the various hangars. The Museum ‘Ground Crew’ were very generous with their time and knowledge which really helped bring the exhibits to life and made for an excellent day out. From the Museum, it was just a short run to a local country house hotel for dinner and refreshment. Congratulations to Pete and Maggie S for achieving the highest score in the enroute quiz. The following morning the run continued south to visit Ironbridge, before turning back north for home. All the TRs performed without fault and hopefully others will now be inspired to plan a Group run in the future.

The evening after the Cosford run it was our Tuesday monthly meeting at The Crispin, Great Longstone and, sure enough, the die-hards turned out again proving that when the company is this good TRing never gets old. Oh, and to quote Columbo, “just one more thing”….huge congratulations to Jim T, Alan H, and Alan W for the hattrick of trophies now heading to Derbyshire from the TR@70 International Meeting Concours. Outstanding effort.

Diary dates:-

Club nights: 2nd Wednesday of the month, South Wingfield SC, DE55 7LX

4th Tuesday of the month, The Crispin; DE45 1TZ (April – October)

1 October 23 – Last Run of the Season

3 February 24 – Group Annual Dinner; Makeney Hall Hotel, DE56 0RS

21-23 June 24 – Derbyshire Dales Peaks Weekend. See advertisement and website for details

Photograph Captions:

TRs and TRansport aircraft at Cosford Air Museum

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times