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Social Scene Report - TRaction issue 346 part 2

Social Scene Report - TRaction issue 346 part 2

Chris Thirtle writes: Whilst the heatwave was yet to arrive, cool but dry weather ensured a good turnout of TRs for our Tuesday gathering at The Crispin, Great Longstone, where we welcomed our newest Group member, Gerard Barron with his ‘new’ TR6. Welcome Gerard, it’s great to have you aboard. Our leader, Dave B, also arrived in his ‘new’ car; the first right hand drive TR8 no less. This completes his TR stable of a ‘wedge’, Karmann, Michelotti, and ‘side screen’ TR, although the TR2 is currently more ‘parts bin’ than ‘road ready’. Then, just when we thought we were all out of surprises, Jim T arrived in his freshly restored TR6. This car of myth and legend, that many of us had only ever heard tell of in stories of trial and tribulation passed down through many years of Club nights, was at last here before us in the metal. The car is ‘a-maz-ing’ Jim, and a tribute to the time and work you’ve put into it. It was, however, noted that as the current holder of the ‘Nut of the Year’ award, you’re already putting up a strong defence of the title having driven to The Crispin, Gt Longstone via The Crispin, Ashover. Maybe it was coincidence, maybe it was just on your route, or maybe…..

By the time the Group met at South Wingfield in June the heatwave was in full swing and the TRs were out in force making the most of the sunshine. Some TRs failed to make the lineup though as exuberant use in the preceding days had necessitated some running repairs. The main event for the Group was, however, the Derbyshire Dales Peaks Weekend. Our thanks to the CASA Hotel, Chesterfield, and the staff who pulled out all the stops for us and provided very pleasant and modern accommodation, reserved parking, excellent service, good food, and made everyone participating feel very welcome. The ‘big run’ out on the Saturday saw 19 TRs, along with a couple of Stags and moderns, out enjoying the best the Eastern Moors of the Peak District has to offer. Save for the inevitable ‘no notice’ road closure just to keep everyone on their toes, it all went without a hitch. The Gala Dinner, raffle, and auction provided the ‘cherry on top’ of a memorable and hugely successful weekend. The auction was a surprise addition to the night’s entertainment with a glass platter signed by both 'Dave' and 'Paul' Mathewson, and emblazed with 'Mathewsons' (classic car auctions) and 'Bangers & Cash', up for grabs. The bidding proved lively and entertaining with Simon C ending up being ‘forcibly restrained’ from further participation in the bidding by Sarah C. Eventually the hammer fell for £71 but the successful bidder, Dave Jeal (Cambridge Group) rounded this up to £75. Alan W then generously added £30 to the pot for the ‘auction’s sheer entertainment value’ which meant a total of £105 was raised for the TR Register adopted charity ‘Childline’. The raffle, a slightly more refined affair by comparison, raised £50 which was subsequently donated to the Arkwright Society, Cromford Mills, as a thank you for their hospitality when the Sunday run stopped in for lunch. Massive thanks to Barry and Hazel C, Jim and Chris T, and Ian W for all the time and effort they put in to making this years DD Peaks Weekend such a fantastic event, and of course, thank you to all of those who attended. Plans are already afoot for next year so please ‘save the date’ (see below) and then look forward to another TRemendous weekend of fun and good company.

Diary dates:-

Club nights: 2nd Wednesday of the month, South Wingfield SC, DE55 7LX

4th Tuesday of the month, The Crispin; DE45 1TZ (April – October)

10 September 23 – Group Run

1 October 23 – Last Group Run of the Season

3 February 24 – Annual Dinner; Makeney Hall Hotel, DE56 0RS

21-23 June 24 – DD Peaks Weekend, Makeney Hall Hotel; booking opens 1 September 2023

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times