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Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue no. 343

Social Scene Report - TRaction Issue no. 343

Chris Thirtle writes: Well, 2023 has arrived and, like many others, my TR is still tucked up in the garage patiently awaiting the first signs of Spring. Some, I know, will be the subject of rebuilds, fettling, and improvement. To assist him in his latest endeavour, Steve B, who’s well equipped garage would be the envy of many a commercial restorer, has been ‘getting jiggy with it’ and added a jig to his rollover stand to better secure a TR body in place and so improve access and make painting much easier. Seriously impressive stuff Steve.

Whilst driving our TR’s may have had to take a back seat, the Group has remained socially very active. In October we met again at The Crispin, Great Longstone but, despite the venue being only yards from my door, I was unable to attend thanks to suffering my first experience of Covid. I certainly wasn’t alone in having to miss that Club night due to illness, but thankfully everyone had rallied by the November meeting which saw a record turnout of some 45 people for the traditional Pie and Peas night and raffle at The Bear, Alderwasley. For a while, it looked like the weather would hold and a few TR’s might be tempted to make the trip but no, rain and a threat of cold temperatures saw the gritters out for the first time and plans were thwarted. The event was a great success though and the money raised from the raffle will help pay for the live music at the Group’s Dinner Dance. Roll on a month to the December meeting at the same venue, however, and only 2 hardy crews made the meeting. Well done the legends of the Group that are Dave and Gwen, and Pete and Maggie. The social calendar for 2022 concluded with the ever-popular Pre-Christmas Lunch at the Oakhill Hotel, Cromford, on the 18 December. A jovial, red cheeked, larger than life individual held court on the top table. No, sadly Santa was too busy to join the party, but his stand in, Group Leader Dave B did a great job as always as MC.

The Great British Car Journey Museum at Ambergate, Derbyshire kicked off the New Year by hosting a drive in. A selection of TR’s attended, including Dave B in his ‘5’ and Alan W in his ‘6’. Alan H, usually seen out in his multi-concours winning TR3, opted to take his Porsche Cayman GTS this time. I can only think his sheepskin flying jacket must have been at the dry cleaners.

Finally, planning for the Derbyshire Dales TR Peaks Weekend over the 16-18 June 2023 is progressing at pace. To secure your hotel room booking, or express interest in attending please check out the Derbyshire Dales pages on the TR Register Website or contact Jim Tully or Barry Cockayne.

Diary dates:-

8 March 2023 –Club Night – venue TBD

12 April 2023 – Club Night and Group AGM – 7.30pm prompt start - venue TBD

10 May 2023 – Club Night – venue TBD

16-18 June 2023 - Derbyshire Dales Peak’s Weekend

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times